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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

And lastly, as much as I find the cross examination from linkz founded on pretty shaky assumptions, I still don't really get a scum vibe there. He did seem protective of SethNintendo for whatever reason, so perhaps we are looking at some type of paired role there? I don't know, hopefully that idea isn't so mindbogglingly awesome that it counts as another scum point.

Anyhow, I started the day feeling like I could only justify voting for Linkz or Radishhead, but Radishhead is apparently a carrier of shaky logic and distracted play, so perhaps his weird play yesterday isn't as weird as I think it to be?

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I don't think Linkz is mafia and I'm unsure why he has so many votes on him. I'm not confident enough to vote Nacho either, because most of the votes seem to be either "he's got to be mafia eventually?" or simply following a bandwagon.

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O.o That's a lot of votes on Nacho all of a sudden. I'm not liking how he managed to get 4 votes that quickly when we are coming up to a deadline.

FF can you please explain your reasoning for voting, considering you've effectively put him in the firing line for now I'd have thought that you would have a legit reason...

I only played with Nacho once I think.
He was scum and was lynched day 1. He was pushing the town to lynch day one for the same reasons
he said in this game.
When he voted me it was such bad bandwagoning that it wasn't even funny.

Zero asked about my "usual suspects" and I said they were (Linkz, Nacho and Hatmoza).
About Zero looks like he is back once everyone was is his case meaning he was checking the
thread and was probably lurking.

I don't mind giving Linkz a day off (And since I need majority its not really an option) so Nacho's
lynch is acceptable.
But lets see how the votes swing in the remaining hours.

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RolStoppable said:
zero and noctis became active shortly after they were mentioned by linkz. What a funny coincidence.

Both have the same habit as scum and they lurk as stay as calm as possible.

Specially Zero who's aggresive, rude and  flat out crazy sometimes when town.

Linkzmax said:


Yes that reminds me, losing a town radish if that turns out to be the case isn't that much of a loss either.

Stefl's also gone into limbo, but that's what he does when he's basically confirmed as town. nen was right, he sucks.
So of the people I listed I'm most interested in hearing from zero again. raddishead has that guilty scan on him anyways.

Vote: zero


Hey, be nice to radish.

As for stefl.....lets just you guys finally get wht I was pissed the moment he claimed. 

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spurgeonryan said:
They want your flesh linkzmax!

So who are your suspects again ?

Do you think Nacho is scum ? What do you think of Zero?

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Yoshiya said:
O.o That's a lot of votes on Nacho all of a sudden. I'm not liking how he managed to get 4 votes that quickly when we are coming up to a deadline.

FF can you please explain your reasoning for voting, considering you've effectively put him in the firing line for now I'd have thought that you would have a legit reason...

FF votes is the most suspcious one indeed, FF is not that bad of  player when he plays...too bad he didn't really play a game for a while now.

IIf Nacho is town then FF is likely scum and if Linkz is scum then FF is probabaly scum.

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BTW: when is the day ending exactly ? How many hours we have left ?'

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@Noctis. I had my vote on Linkz prior to voting Radish and already had my suspicions of him though I thought my reasons weren't proof they were still suspicions. So I gave Linkz a break to focus on the next certified scum which was radish (due to his contradiction). Now, after Bong's post and linkz's reply to that it strengthened my suspicion of Linkz for making what I considered fabricated logic. I've seen that as a mafia meta on other players before and it's an impressive skill, but it's a certified mafia tell to me.

Linkz again you make good points... For lack of understanding for now, I unvote you with the promise that you walk me through it some more during the night because time is running out.

unvote Linkz
vote Radish

VLA: Work extremely busy today. Will chat during nighttime.