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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

Vote: nen

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

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nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

Vote: nen

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

You never know, defend yourself. I kinda want to lynch DT too. Sway me.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

Playing mafia is just a whole bunch of charades - I don't see what the big deal is. The cop could do a lot worse than scanning you

So what would be some of those worse things the cop could do?

Pretty much everything except scanning Spurge/Linkz

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nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

Vote: nen

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

I have not been on your case, what is your opinion on my case on Seth, Radish and Linkz this far?

hatmoza said:
Players I want have sex with... Radish!

And to think only a few rounds ago I was your least favourite mafia player xD

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hatmoza said:
nen-suer said:
With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

You never know, defend yourself. I kinda want to lynch DT too. Sway me.

Defend myself aginst what? I addressed any valid points.

Looks like I poked th wrong (more like right) crowd and this is the result.

We have two scum on at least voting for me atm (Probably four).

Role claiming (then lurk to the end) seems like a pretty good plan acctually. After all i thought this was a small game and you needed players...

You tricked me.

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happydolphin said:
nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

I have not been on your case, what is your opinion on my case on Seth, Radish and Linkz this far?

Linkz = scum

Seth = town

Radish = Not sure. He's always all over the place....take time for me to figure him out (same with spurg)

You = Town

nacho & hat= scum (bonus)

RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

I think you are at L-4.

Much obliged.

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nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

Vote: nen

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

We have yet to realize who's town, as you stated before you even think that scum may be behind your lynch votes.

happydolphin said:
radishhead said:
AstroGamer said:

Something about Linkz is rubbing me the wrong way so

Vote: Linkz

You'll probably have to elaborate on this one  more if you want any support

I'm not feeling Linkz as Mafia aligned this round - when he is he's normally trying to get me lynched

Contradicted with:

radishhead said:

1. I didn't actually see Rol saying that he only voted to get a reaction, so my comment was purely based on the excuse that you gave for voting Spurge earlier. It was pretty weak.

2. Linkz is probably mafia this round, so it's really for the good of town


Stop flip-flopping. Also, if you think he's town, what do you think of his defence of Seth as town (here and here)?


Can brighter heads than mine give a plausible explanation how a flip like the one radishhead did here could be anything but a strong scum tell?

Have I missed any important developments in between the two wildly contradicting points? I am asking because something like this looks like almost a dead give away, and from other posts it's obvious that this is not radishheads first game of mafia, so would he make a mistake of this magnitude as scum?

If this is a strong a scum tell as it seems to me, what does that say about Linkz? I get a feeling I might have smelled more scum on him then was warrented.

benao87 said:
nen-suer said:
hatmoza said:
Not really. But I was planning on voting nen last night.

Sorry nen, you know I still love you.

Vote: nen

With how much votes I won so far? Maybe I should role claim, but the idea of living with this town is kinda hard to accept.

We have yet to realize who's town, as you stated before you even think that scum may be behind your lynch votes.

True, but for the town to jump on there weak reasons is alot more troubling.

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