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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:

nen-suer said:

Stop skimming through posts coze that what scum do.

Skimming posts is anti-town, because then things are easily missed or confused. Scum are generally more careful to read everything so they don't screw up and say something that will expose them.

I don't know how my definitions match up with what nen was calling "skimming" or what he was trying to peg you as. 

That was addressed to Zero not Linkz. Start paying more attention plz.

AstroGamer said:

Something about Linkz is rubbing me the wrong way so

Vote: Linkz

Hey, I'm liking the new guy :D

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Final-Fan said:
Also, I believe seth when he says he was not a player in any previous game. I might be misremembering but I have a definite memory of him in VGC Mafia, so I'll believe that he was checking in to see what crazy thread game we were doing. Therefore, I'll

Vote nen-suer.

You're voting me becouse seth is new ? I've seen stupid reasons for votes before,  but thats......I dont know what do say!

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Last few pages I give :
Town points for Mario, Linkz, HappyD and Rol
Scum points to spurg, Zero and FF.

Still not sure about Linkz tho.
He's a slow starter as scum, but once he gets going he's a hard nut to crack.
Its always about first impressions when it comes to Linkz.
Also where is stefl ?

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AstroGamer said:

Something about Linkz is rubbing me the wrong way so

Vote: Linkz

Since no one else seems to have picked you up on this yet, why?

Also, I'm not the first to point this out but I'm definitely not liking the way that Spurge is asking for the go-ahead to lynch FF or the "new lurkers" as he puts it. It's rubbing me up the wrong way considering he's normally happy enough to throw his vote around and for that I'll;

Vote: Spurge

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Welp, that was a huge amount of new posts :/

I was only able to fly over them right now and didn't think too much about them.

Astro Gamer didn't answer my (hilriously ridiculous) question. I would like an answer to it anyway. He should also try to elaborate what rubs him the wrong way with linkz.
Mario's list seems sound.

Vote: Nen

I think he really is trying to sow discontent. I will make my case a bit later though. (Also, srsly, my last post was ~20 hours ago, am I not allowed to be busy for one day?)

Stefl1504 said:

(Also, srsly, my last post was ~20 hours ago, am I not allowed to be busy for one day?)


Stefl1504 said:
Vote: Nen

I think he really is trying to sow discontent. I will make my case a bit later though. (Also, srsly, my last post was ~20 hours ago, am I not allowed to be busy for one day?)

No you won't you'll probably hope we'll forget about it later on, but I'll have to force you to make one

The case comes before the vote. If you dony have one yet wait until you do next time.

And don't repeating what Hat said next time, that how I always play and it didnt seem to think this way before.

Plus you're always online so I expect you post ALOT that plus we all know you lurk when your scum :P


Scum points for you for being super defensive about my remark , parroting Hat and voting moi.

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Apologies for not posting n' stuff earlier, I've been in a car(or, more correctly, a large van) for the majority of this game's existence.

Would anyone mind filling me in on what's happened in the previous 41 pages of text?

Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong, that was directed at happy. Since before you, nen was the only one I mentioned being suspicious of. So if I believe you are a threat due to your deductive skills, it would suggest I don't want you going after nen. Further, that would mean I was bussing my scummate, which is not beyond me, yet totally completely unneeded when the FF train could be the spotlight. Ahhh, but what if FF is scum too you say? Well then sacrificing him serves the same purpose as bussing nen.

Why would it suggest that, in what way? Do I or he think that nen is scum? Why do you say this? So the bussing theory is not working for me.

(@bong. bussing means "throwing your teammate under the bus". There's another use of the term, but it's actually an incorrect one which is used instead of bus-driving a player, which is playing the night action of a bus driver, but that's for later.)

This is all just fabulative reasoning that was pulled out of a mafia's arse so as to throw you off by some kind of far-fetched knowledge that really if you pay attention is really just thin air.

Bottom line, when did I or Bong suspect you and nen to be scumbuddies?

Well if nen is a townie, then I'd be perfectly fine with his mislynch, no? You're not paying attention are you, Bong has said several times(including very recently) that he suspects nen. I don't care what you think, since the issue is about you saying I think Bong is the threat.

Neither of you mentioned it. I asked you specifically and you said you aren't sure yet. It is quite obvious that you didn't think through either case.

@underline. You're using Bong's initial reads on nen as a greater factor than his sheer deduction skills. Yet you know full well that early reads can change quickly (like my game 50 clearly showed, you were initially in my town list) and that deductive reasoning doesn't just vanish.

You'd like me to think about a you+nen scumteam though, it would seem, because nen is an easy scapegoat. He looks evil for some reason because he casts a lot of suspicion in a menacing way, so I think you're trying to play on that so I link my main suspicion of you with him. Rather I had suspicions over you and Seth at that point where I was mentioning that Bong was a threat to you (and you flipped that around to talk about a you and nen scumteam). That's when I answered that I wasn't concerned with a you+nen scumteam at that moment but with a you+seth scumteam. You wanted attention away from that and diverted that suspicion a few times with a logic based on Bong's early scumreads (which are immaterial).

The you+seth thing isn't just an early read, we may actually have a case.

Bong Lover said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong, that was directed at happy. Since before you, nen was the only one I mentioned being suspicious of. So if I believe you are a threat due to your deductive skills, it would suggest I don't want you going after nen. Further, that would mean I was bussing my scummate, which is not beyond me, yet totally completely unneeded when the FF train could be the spotlight. Ahhh, but what if FF is scum too you say? Well then sacrificing him serves the same purpose as bussing nen.

I don't remember you claiming nen as scum, you obviously must have since lying about it would be lunacy, but I can't remember it. I guess it might be a good idea to keep notes in this game...

Still, it did bring up the concept of bussing, which is yet another important concept to understand. Obviously, if HappyD is correct in his read that you feel some heat from the case that I have built around my suspicion of nen it could be good strategy for you if you are scum to be on record early with suspicion against nen if he looks to be a lynch target anyway.

That, and it could be that he's simply trying to divert the issue of how you're a threat to him as compared to seth by bringing your suspicion of nen in the picture, which are two quite unrelated factors when all is said and done (looking at the big picture).

But even though I shouldn't, I'll indulge him for a second. I think what he's saying is that, if nen was not his scummate, then he wouldn't be threatened by you because your main lead till that point was nen. The problem with that is that you mentioned yourself that you weren't absolutely confident about your suspicions of nen and it was only a very early read, so it's disengenuous to use that suspicion to take away from the Seth+Linkz case, which we were on, and look at where we are now.

Just a few pages up we had SethNintendo in the bag (I'm shamelessly copying FF's style here):

01. I vote Seth

02. Stefl agrees.

03. Seth, just after some show suspicion, tries to get on our good side ("we are good liars").

04. You start to get paranoid of Seth.


05. Seth decides to make a reads list to quell suspicion (seems like a coached move but could just legitimately be a response to Stefl's request).

06. Linkz randomly states that Seth is town.

07. We both are suspicious of that move that move.

08. He gives some kind of lame reason as to why he thinks so. Apparently scum can't make bad moves because they can be coached.

nen-suer said:
Last few pages I give :
Town points for Mario, Linkz, HappyD and Rol
Scum points to spurg, Zero and FF.

Still not sure about Linkz tho. 
He's a slow starter as scum, but once he gets going he's a hard nut to crack.
Its always about first impressions when it comes to Linkz.

Also where is stefl ?

This! I am pretty confident we have something with Linkz, we just need to push it and not let him get the higher ground as scum because if that happens he will manipulate the whole game, he has that ability.