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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Linkzmax said:
Welcome Nacho! I think you misunderstood Stefl. He was telling nen, who frowned upon Stefl claiming right away, that he'd still do it if he got the role again.
...and this takes care of my Stefl-paranoia for now.

AstroGamer said:
Hm.. I am just a generally quiet guy. I prefer observation over action especially if any action I make could be a stupid move.

Also if FF does not report in soon, I guess I'll vote to lynch him


Bong Lover said:
haha! awesome. so sethnintendo is very likely town then. I thought as much.
I think you and I are seeing different sethnintendos. Why is he town?

Seth, why do you think you are misreading mario?

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RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

If I recall he was confused by the missing Quick Topic thread, much like I was myself when the question came in but I didn't mention it in my reply. Of course, now that I've slept on it and thought about it a little more it's entirely possible that he's been coached by scum to say what he says? I don't remeber how long after the original question that he replied but I have a feeling there would be plenty of time for scum to interfere and give him an acceptable reply.

Looking at it now, he again posts something to reinforce how he doesn't understand the game and is very new, which does seem a little redundant. Could it be scum trying to paint a picture of him as lost and unskilled in the ways of the game? I guess anything is possible but I can't help shake the feeling that I am getting overly paranoid with that line of reasoning.

I didn't recall any confusion regarding quicktopics on seth's part and I didn't find any such post when looking through the thread again. Maybe you are mixing this up with linkz's troll post in response to hatmoza?

Paranoia is part of the game, because virtually every situation can be interpreted or twisted to mean two very different things. seth could be nervous town who simply isn't sure what to do (being afraid of drawing unwarranted suspicion on himself) or he could be scum who pretends to be lost, because it's easy for a newbie to get by with that line of posting, at least for a while. If scum is allowed to Day-talk in their quicktopic (this rule isn't set in stone and up to the host to decide), then seth could be easily coached into saying these things.

Personally, my Day 1 reads are terrible, so I don't read too much into little things. I need more than a handful of posts to judge people properly, that's why I tend to encourage everyone to play the game and why I despise lurking. Also, in seth's case, there's this unwritten rule that we don't give newbies a hard time on Day 1 and we would only lynch them, if they made one hell of a slip. This doesn't mean that newbies should see Day 1 as a free pass though, because low or bad activity on Day 1 will come back to haunt them eventually, regardless of their alignment.

That is exactly it, and a stark wake up call to not trust my own memory! So all bets are off with my Sethnintendo nonsense.

What a humbling game, I am slipping up left and right. I feel great about the unwritten rule about not giving new players too hard of a time day 1 :)

Nachomamma8 said:
Linkzmax said:
Welcome Nacho! I think you misunderstood Stefl. He was telling nen, who frowned upon Stefl claiming right away, that he'd still do it if he got the role again.
...and this takes care of my Stefl-paranoia for now.

AstroGamer said:
Hm.. I am just a generally quiet guy. I prefer observation over action especially if any action I make could be a stupid move.

Also if FF does not report in soon, I guess I'll vote to lynch him


Bong Lover said:
haha! awesome. so sethnintendo is very likely town then. I thought as much.
I think you and I are seeing different sethnintendos. Why is he town?

Seth, why do you think you are misreading mario?

I think you should trust your own reads more than mine, as mine was just shown to be a bunch of hogwash.

Bong Lover said:

1. This is my first mafie game ever and my first mafia game on VGC

2. Scum in general benefits from a rushed lynch I would think, anyhow, it is probably not good scum strategy to draw early attention as trigger happy, so that counts against you being scum

3. Sure, you're not the only one whos said the same things. Yet, early in on a potential lynch bandwagon is not promising

5. Yes, I am a new player, everyone knows it, and it is showing in my game. It's not a secret, but you used the fact to weaken my reasoning which is a suspicious move. My argument is my argument regardless of my experience, it's either weak or solid on it's own. Opening with something like "That's a noob if I ever saw one" is a blatant attempt to make your claims carry more weight by appealing to your own superior experience. To me it's a pretty strong scum tell.

Anyway, I'll be competely honest and say that I don't feel the least bit bad about the attempt at linking me and Haz and color us scum. It is however one more attempt to point the finger, another distraction if you will, perhaps a good thing for scum that as many as possible get the shadows of suspicion cast upon them?

I'll also be completely honest and admit that I am not any less supicious of you.

BAM :)

Just a comment aimed the newbies in general;

Be more confident in your own opinions. I know it's hard but at the end of the Day, the only person you can trust is yourself. If you keep questioning everything you'll just end up being putty in the hands of the mafia.

That said, Bong Lover's constant cross-examining of himself is definitely giving me a good feeling. He also isn't letting himself be thrown too much by the vets which suggests that he doesn't have to worry about making mistakes (besides accidently lynching a fellow town) like a noob mafia would.

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Final-Fan said:
I'd like to ask mario if the assumption that I will be a heavy lurker throughout this game is the reason why I'm "the best" lynch, and no I haven't caught up, I just saw it when the page refreshed when I posted.

You are a great player when you participate. However, it seems you have been burnt out for a couple games. You make just enough posts to get by which is lurking, yes. We are all just doing you a favor. You keep your streak alive and can take a break from the game. :P

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

RolStoppable said:
zero winks too much for my liking.

I agree.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

sethnintendo said:

SuperMario seems like scum to me but I think I'm getting a misread on him.

Be more confident with your opinions. To say something like this is very suspicious.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

supermario128 said:
sethnintendo said:

SuperMario seems like scum to me but I think I'm getting a misread on him.

Be more confident with your opinions. To say something like this is very suspicious.

Now I am suspicious that you are suspicious!  Actually, I believe nen is scum because he tried to point attention to you right away before you even checked in (which you weren't even that late checking in compared to others).

zero129 said:
nen-suer said:
Nen did what now? No Nen did no such thing (maybe you meant hat).

Summarizing the obvious (with few loose details), not acting aggressive or crazy.....what the deal Zero?

You're boring this round and (unless you changed these past two games) boring Zero is scum Zero.

Im not going back to look for it now but you said to one of the new players "good now can you day talk?" so yes nen did.

No I did not. That's not even my style....and again if someone said that it was probably Hat.

Stop skimming through posts coze that what scum do.

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