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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Yoshiya said:
FF having shown up now makes me retract any statements I have made about being happy to policy lynch him (as previously mentioned would be the case)

So making a check in post is enough for you to sway you from an inactivity policy lynch?

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AstroGamer said:
Linkzmax said:
AstroGamer said:
checking in

Poking for thoughts.

Hm.. I am just a generally quiet guy. I prefer observation over action especially if any action I make could be a stupid move.  

Also if FF does not report in soon, I guess I'll vote to lynch him

Just throw out moar thoughts, it helps everyone in the game, your scummates, because you won't be lynched so easily, and town, because we have an easier job at reading you. ( ¬‿¬)

So FF finally posted......once.....four hours ago (didnt notice my pm my a$$)

We probably wont see him for another 48 hours, but it seems most are unwilling to lynch him.

Unvote: Super Mario

Vote: Time-Limit

Vote: Final-Fan

At least i did my part.

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zero129 said:

5. Nen going after new players with a weak question of "Can you day talk" was also a bit strange of a question to ask imo.

Nen did what now? No Nen did no such thing (maybe you meant hat).

Summarizing the obvious (with few loose details), not acting aggressive or crazy.....what the deal Zero?

You're boring this round and (unless you changed these past two games) boring Zero is scum Zero.

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Stefl1504 said:
Yoshiya said:
FF having shown up now makes me retract any statements I have made about being happy to policy lynch him (as previously mentioned would be the case)

So making a check in post is enough for you to sway you from an inactivity policy lynch?

Check my post where I elaborated my feelings about it to HappyD and stated that I was for it if he hadn't even checked in 48+ hours after the game started, now he has so I am not for it anymore.

Around the Network
Linkzmax said:
happydolphin said:
Back to FF, in game 50 (the game where I suspected Linkz since day 1), FF was lurking pretty much the whole game, and he was scum. Just to give you an idea.

I don't think you even know what point you're trying to make anymore. Seriously, what point do you think you are making in regards to me in comparison to Round 50?  Also you must love having me prove you wrong, as I will do once you answer this question.

And as for FF he lurks just as heavily as town. See every round in which he's been town. Hence Rol's push for his lynch right from the get go.

@bold. So you're saying Rol most likely wants to lynch a townie?

Yeah, I have a love-hate relationship with your desire for dominance :P If you can't see the point I'm not sure how I'm the one who needs explaining. My point was that going for a policy lynch on FF is hit or miss, and has no bearing on his alignment (which Bong had reasonably misunderstood due to thinking PMs were allowed, which they are not. I can't blame him for not understanding that rather it's a town tell to me.)

Bong Lover said:

You are right, I've never played mafia with any of you before so I am left with having to go by pretty general observations. That said, this is what makes you so suspicious:

The early jump on Mario, wrapped in a joke but none the less, a rush to lynch none the less

The early joining in on the FF policy lynch

Other players have recommended to not live by, but not ignore your first impression either

And finally, you trying to downplay my experience, perhaps the stronges indication so far?

1- So is this your first mafia game ever or your first mafia game on VGC?

2- What do you mean ? What benefit would i gain as scum from rushly voting someone with no votes on him & without giving

any real reasons?

3- I stated my reasons for joining FF lynch I got a history. Let's just leave at that

4- ok?

5- But you admitted your new.....some I'm not downplaying your experience I'm just stating a fact.

Seems to me you're just listing everything I said and trying to justify your suspicion.

Be honest and just admit you don't like me casting suspicious on you (and Hat).

If it makes you feel better I'm less suspcious of you :)

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Player L-10 L-9 L-8 L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynched
 Final-Fan  RolStoppable  DarkThanatos  supermario128  nen-suer              
 No Lynch
 sethnintendo  nachomamma8                    
  T-6 T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 Timelimit
 TimeLimit  RolStoppable








supermario128: nen-suer
Final-Fan: RolStoppable, DarkThanatos, supermario128, nen-suer
No Lynch: radishhead
sethnintendo: nachomamma8
nen-suer: supermario128, Final-Fan
RolStoppable: Final-Fan
radishhead: No Lynch
DarkThanatos: Final-Fan
supermario128: Final-Fan
nachomamma8: sethnintendo
Timelimit: RolStoppable, radishhead, nen-suer

Signature goes here!

I'm not feeling sethnintendo. He's just way too non-committal. I'm getting no town reads from him at all and he hasn't posted anything of value or deductive reasoning, in contrast with the other newer players.

This post worries me a bit:

sethnintendo said:
So are we going to lynch FF?

Asking others if voting for a player is okay takes away responsibility from a vote. I don't mean to pick on the new guy, but there are other new players and I'm comparing them an I'm getting scum vibes from seth.

vote: SethNintendo.

happydolphin said:


I'm not feeling sethnintendo. He's just way too non-committal. I'm getting no town reads from him at all and he hasn't posted anything of value or deductive reasoning, in contrast with the other newer players.

This post worries me a bit:

sethnintendo said:
So are we going to lynch FF?


Asking others if voting for a player is okay takes away responsibility from a vote. I don't mean to pick on the new guy, but there are other new players and I'm comparing them an I'm getting scum vibes from seth.

vote: SethNintendo.



I concur, but you are forgetting Astro Gamer, who also hasn't contributed yet.