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Before reading and getting bored of my ramblings please at least watch my youtube video and tell me what you think  

I am at a friends house uploading a youtube video so I thought I'd better hope on VGC quickly,

As for the donations, I nearly have enough to pay my broadband, as I said before you will be rewarded when I'm back to my old self financially, mark my words.

I managed to get my car home safely from where it was stranded and I sold my Wii so I can get it fully serviced =[ (Now I'm console-less) :P

So I thought why not take a stab at getting my ex back because that's on my high prioritie list, usually when I get off my ass to do something I usually do a decent job of it, so as embarissing as this is, I present to you all a youtube video message I made for her: (BTW this is the first vid I have ever made, I taught myself just for this video)

*Warning Highly Mushy*


BTW she hasn't seen it yet.

Around the Network

oh man, that is sooo sweeet. Man she would have to ba a complete idiot to not take you back. sounds like your getting really proactive about things mate, good for you. I think by the sounds of it your going to be back on your feet soon enough

Good luck mate, the site isn't the same without you


That is so nice. If she doesn't take you back after that, nothing will.

The cat and the Wii-mote = Win

That was such a nice video.

that is the cutest thing i've ever seen. if she doesn't marry you after seeing that, I will.


Woo i made it in one of the pics. And there's a reference to X Japan aswell, dont know if that was intentional or not.

Around the Network

okay, my girlfriend just saw that and she wants me to tell you you're a really sweet guy, good luck and she wishes i was more like you :P

That's sweet.

But I'd neeever shown anyone else than her that video, if I had made it.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
that is the cutest thing i've ever seen. if she doesn't marry you after seeing that, I will.

But i thought you were a lesbian...?




On topic: The video is definately the most sweet thing i've ever seen, and the song is really perfect. Good job AoA! 

Thanks guys, and to the dude who said you wouldn't show others? Well I couldn't possibly mean it if I was ashamed or embarresset to show other people.

Nice feed back im glad a lot of people like it, it probably is the nicest thing I've ever done for someone, hope she likes it, I know her mum would cry.

Your hairdo is fuckin awesome!

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