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Before reading and getting bored of my ramblings please at least watch my youtube video and tell me what you think  

I am at a friends house uploading a youtube video so I thought I'd better hope on VGC quickly,

As for the donations, I nearly have enough to pay my broadband, as I said before you will be rewarded when I'm back to my old self financially, mark my words.

I managed to get my car home safely from where it was stranded and I sold my Wii so I can get it fully serviced =[ (Now I'm console-less) :P

So I thought why not take a stab at getting my ex back because that's on my high prioritie list, usually when I get off my ass to do something I usually do a decent job of it, so as embarissing as this is, I present to you all a youtube video message I made for her: (BTW this is the first vid I have ever made, I taught myself just for this video)

*Warning Highly Mushy*


BTW she hasn't seen it yet.