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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Xenoblade port to Wii U revealed?

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I've been saying that I would love to play this game offscreen since the WiiU released...
Am I enough of a Xenoblade fanboy that I would buy this game again after a year???
I'm not sure...
Quite possibly yes...
I'm replaying it again anyway; it would be nice to have the additional perks the Wii U could provide (HD, offscreen play as well as dual screen functionality, Miiverse functions)...
I could definitely be talked into buying it again...

Have a nice day...

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Given the supposed December release date, I REALLY hope this is a placeholder title for the new Xeno game by Monolith Soft.

If it was just Xenoblade re-released in HD, that would probably mean "X" is a long way off and they are trying to placate us, like with Wind Waker HD.

Oh, and Kyliedog, please don't put such horrible thoughts in my head, I'm enough of a pessimist as it is!

I've played this on Dolphin in 1080p. Looks good, comparable to FFXIII on PCSX2. It looks better that FFXIII in some scenes, subpar to it on most. Overall FFXIII has it beat especially if animations is to be considered. The jump animation in Xenoblade is awful.

As a person on the fence about getting the WII U, this would be great in convincing me to get one.

Total erection.


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KhinRunite said:
I've played this on Dolphin in 1080p. Looks good, comparable to FFXIII on PCSX2. It looks better that FFXIII in some scenes, subpar to it on most. Overall FFXIII has it beat especially if animations is to be considered. The jump animation in Xenoblade is awful.

So you mean to tell us that Monolith created a competitive graphical experience at a fraction of the cost?

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^ Well, they did have a more powerful system to work with...

leedlelee said:
I've been saying that I would love to play this game offscreen since the WiiU released...
Am I enough of a Xenoblade fanboy that I would buy this game again after a year???
I'm not sure...
Quite possibly yes...
I'm replaying it again anyway; it would be nice to have the additional perks the Wii U could provide (HD, offscreen play as well as dual screen functionality, Miiverse functions)...
I could definitely be talked into buying it again...

Thats what I think too.


But it would still be better if it is a placeholder, since some other store said that it was for 15.12.13, which would meen that we would get X this year!  

I'd be kinda pissed because I bought Xenoblade before Christmas and I'm about half way through. I would have waited and played in HD. I'd much rather that it is X2, the game we saw the trailer for, and that the game is coming for Christmas 2013. That would be amazing.

I guess that would explain why Nintendo/GameStop aren't doing any more printings of the Wii version, which has an unusually high used-sale price.

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