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Forums - General Discussion - Worlds first Marijuana ATM opening 24/7 in Los Angeles on Monday (HOLLA!)

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Woo Hoo!

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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If I was to move to America, I'd move to LA or San Fransisco. Seems to be the only places where the law are accetable.

Tried smoking weed some three weeks ago. While it wasn't bad, it wasn't that good either. So i'll have to thank everyone for that one and i'll just stay with my hookah :).

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




I'll tell you, the first time you smoke weed, the effect isn't very good for alot of people. Try it again a few times before deciding ;)

I don't like weed. It makes me jittery and anxious. I fully support its (responsible) use recreationally though. And its use medicinally. And its use as a textile. They really need to get around to full legalization. But then again the pharmaceutical and textile industries wouldn't like that very much.

And it's called personal responsibility, people. The only thing that "makes" you do anything is yourself. Drugs aren't harmful unless they're used recklessly and irresponsibly (besides a few such as heroin).

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Phendrana said:
And it's called personal responsibility, people. The only thing that "makes" you do anything is yourself. Drugs aren't harmful unless they're used recklessly and irresponsibly (besides a few such as heroin).

 Why heroin in particular?

Because it'll destroy your body and mind almost instantly?

Stillwell said:
Because it'll destroy your body and mind almost instantly?


Stillwell what Fkusumot meant was why single out heroin in particular. like, isnt crack just bad for you too?

I think I was on point
I hope that made sense

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ikilledkenny said:
I agree with PooperScooper. Alcohol is not dangerous until someone drinks it in excess. My father brews in his spare time, but I would not say that he will become a drug addict. But only a few people I know who have used marijuana didn't move on to worse drugs.

 You do know that alcohol is a drug, right? You do know an addict is an addict, no matter what drug it is they are addicted to? I'd guarantee that these people you know who moved on to worse drugs, didn't start their quest for a high with pot-it was most likely tobacco or alcohol.

 But you are right, alcohol is not dangerous unless someone abuses it("drinks it in excess"). Same goes for pot. Yes, smoking it is bad for your health, but if it was legal many people(of course not all) would be consuming it the way nature intended, and not filling their lungs with smoke.

I don't at all condone the use of crap like cocaine, heroin, lsd, etc, but it's pretty laughable that you consider alcohol totally acceptable, and pot the great evil that seduces people into hardcore drugs. Of all the many drug users I knew when I was younger, I can't think of any(perhaps one) that started with pot. The vast majority began with the routine tobacco/alcohol starting kit. 

If I ever have children, I hope to God that they don't feel the need to experiment with any drug. But in all honesty, if forced to choose I'd rather have a kid that gets stoned, rather than one who gets drunk. 


"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."