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Forums - General Discussion - Worlds first Marijuana ATM opening 24/7 in Los Angeles on Monday (HOLLA!)

dgm6780 said:
Using the same logic you guys use to call marijuana a gateway drug to heroin you could say:

video games -> murder/school shootings
advil -> oxycodone abuse
masturbation -> rape
red bull -> hard liquor
watching broke back -> homosexuality

 Those are all failed analogies. Was that your point?

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PooperScooper said:

Alcohol is consumed by a lot of morons who want to get drunk. On the other hand its also consumed by people who want to socialize, and like the tast of it, and who like it with their meals, also it helps some people relax.

Name me one time someone smoked for other reason other than to get high?

Does it really matter? The fact is that they're both drugs used for personal satisfaction, and in fact alchohol is more harmful to the body than marajuana and yet drinking is perfectly socially exceptable while marijuana is not.

lol that was my point, another failed analogy.... pot is a gateway drug to heroin or any other harder drug

Rath said:
The main reason I will never smoke dope is due to the semi-proven effects on mental health later on. The fairly solid links to schizophrenia are by far the most scary thing to me, also heard the other day on the news that its supposedly meant to be 5* worse for your lungs than cigs because of how stoners breathe far deeper and hold their breath for longer, although that statistic seems a little bit dodgy to me as dope quite simply doesn't have most of the toxins that cigs do.

bs. Nicotine kills people. There has not been ONE case of sombody dying from an overdoes of maijuana.

Again let me repeat myself..

I dont condone drug use.

Some people can't handle drugs.

Like ppl who arent mentally stable, should not be doing drugs.

Also if you are mentally stable? To some, it will make you UN stable.

Financially, drugs are expensive, there for if you have no self control, you will most likely lose everything because you can't stop doing drugs.

Other than marijuana there should be a no tolerance law for drugs.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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Alcohol actually has positive effects on the body(Digestion). The bad effects come into play when people abuse it and for a period of time.

ikilledkenny said:
Marijuana should only be used in hospitals, as medicine. An ATM is a really bad idea. While marijuana doesn't do a huge amount of damage, it is called the gateway drug for a reason.
Actually, in the countries where it's legalized, usage of ''heavier'' drugs has sharply dropped. So that's a legend. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

PooperScooper said:

Alcohol is consumed by a lot of morons who want to get drunk. On the other hand its also consumed by people who want to socialize, and like the tast of it, and who like it with their meals, also it helps some people relax.

Name me one time someone smoked for other reason other than to get high?
The social aspect of it is really big, it helps some people relax, etc, etc. It's not a thrill seeking "drug"; it's not even classified as a drug. (It isn't, it's a plant.) 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

And though it may seem otherwise, I dont' condone "drug" use, nor do I partake myself; however, I do know a *lot* of people who do (many of them very close friends), and I feel like its doing them a disservice when biased stereotypes are ignorantly perpetuated.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Metallicube said:
Rath said:
The main reason I will never smoke dope is due to the semi-proven effects on mental health later on. The fairly solid links to schizophrenia are by far the most scary thing to me, also heard the other day on the news that its supposedly meant to be 5* worse for your lungs than cigs because of how stoners breathe far deeper and hold their breath for longer, although that statistic seems a little bit dodgy to me as dope quite simply doesn't have most of the toxins that cigs do.

bs. Nicotine kills people. There has not been ONE case of sombody dying from an overdoes of maijuana.

 Nor has there ever been a case of overdose of nicotine as far as I know. I'm not talking about ODing, I'm talking about long term psychological effects. There is a massive difference.

"The social aspect of it is really big, it helps some people relax, etc, etc. It's not a thrill seeking "drug"; it's not even classified as a drug. (It isn't, it's a plant.) "

A drug is anything that alters bodily function, natural or not. Marijuana is actually a fairly potent drug, that doesn't make it bad in particular its just a fact that it is a form of drug though.