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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will PS3 top 100 million?

AND you say NO? Because Wii and x360 BRAND is BETTER? Or what?
Why NO? because PS3 sold worse with 400-600$ price then PS2 with it`s 300$. RIGHT? LOL.

You really need to work on reading comprehension there. I was honestly looking for clarity so I could formulate a response. If that is what you are saying then I will say no. Not for the reasons you have listed of course, but for good ones. Simply put the system still costs twice what the PS2 did. It did not sell at PS2 levels at $600 for launch, and it won't magically hit that number at a lower point. It will sell more, but not nearly as well as the PS2 did at $150.

Your comparison is flawed because it does not account:
1) PRICE difference.
2) presence of COMPETITORS in the first 1,5 years of ps2life.
Do you know how much PS2 or Wii or x360 would be sold for 600$. Then how can you compare?

What if scenarios do not hold water in these comparisons. We don't need to know what ithe PS2 or anything else would sell like at those numbers because they were never released at that high of a cost, and for good reason. You can compare the GC and PS2 numbers right? Same principle.

Who said, ONE?
WHY IGNORE Europe PS3 sales AND Japan psOne vs PS3 sales??? Two markets.

There is a break down in communication here I pray. You can't make the comparison you want for a number of reasons. Mostly because it involves 3 different consoles and using only one market for two of them. That is cherry picking stats at its worst and is not valid.

p.s. list you can find in this thread.

Then I was right. Some of those games aren't going to make 2008. Most of them are garbage. A list of 40 exclusive games for any system will include a lot of garbage though.

Wii60? So you ADMIT, that wii or x360 CAN`T stand alone against PS3 lineup in 2008?

No. Wii can trump it, and 360 can trump it if you are bringing out PSN games with XBLA and VC. In the end, however, how strong a game line-up is cannot be objectively measured very well. Personally, I can think of only one game that interests me on the PS3 at all right now. That includes all announced games as well. You would disagree. Getting into a pissing contest will get us no where faster.

You can paste PS2 games sales with 9 mln. PS2 sold. =)

No, you really can't. The sequels to the franchise (that happen very regularly) stiffle sales somewhat making it a bit trickier than just copying and pasting, Also, the attach ratio is already lower for the game so it is not so simple.

WHY you ignore:
If the PS3 had a 300$ price at launch similar to the PS2 it would have sold way more units than the PS2 did.

Because what if scenarios don't mean a thing. What if Nintendo and Sony made their system together? Would they be at the top? It doesn't matter. We have to deal with the realities infront of us. The PS3 is more expensive than that and it does have competition. This will hurt its sales.

THAT IS XBOX, NOT PLAYSTATION. You don`t See the difference???

And the Nintendo brand was stronger than the playstation brand back when the PS1 launched. The Atari brand was stronger than the Nintendo brand back when the NES launched. Brand loyalty isn't all that strong.

FOR WHAT POINT? Do these 150$ and 50$ cheaper system have SEQUELS OF GAMES, in which PS2 USERS ARE INTERESTED?

Yup, they do. SC4, Guitar Hero, Culdcept Saga, Monster Hunter 3, GTA4, etc etc.

Guess what system won`t NEVER HAVE DMC4, RE5, GTA4, SH5, MGS4, CoD4, AC, B5, FFXIII, SC4, EA, LR, AC6 ?
That is MY POINT

Guess which system will never have a game with Mario, or Link in it? Every system has exclusives and that is a stong point for it. Which exclusives are most appealing depends entirely on personal preference. A lot of those titles you had listed are shared with the 360 as well. The cheaper arguement still holds water.

Wii has 1 3rd party 2 mln. seller. with 20 mln. PS3 has 2 3rd party 2 mln. sellers with 9 mln.

I ignore a lot of cherry picked facts. RE4 trippled sales expectations and probably made Capcom more money than Big Brain Academy did for Nintendo despite selling less. Game sales are much more complex than that.

LBP - create levels. UT3 - using mods.

Neither of those are innovative. LBP as a whole certainly is, but not because of the ability to make levels. That has been around for ages. Same with mods. Those are simply nice features.

 Edit: I want anyone who has read that long wall of text to imagine for a second how hard it would be to track down the one line you accidentally hit enter on and messed up your spacing. I hate my long winded nature sometimes.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network

lol typical vg.

Before it was PS3 is dead its to expensive, now its ohh it wont hit 100 mill. A year from now it will be ohh it might do 100 mill but wont pass the PS2. Then it will be ohh it might come close but wont pass the PS2s 15xx sales.

It might.

But for one reason: Blu-ray

going by current sales the ps3 will be lucky to hit 40 mil by 2012 and the 360 will be about the same if sales dont fall off this year cause of price and “it” factor and right now wii is the poo and 360 has a following while the ps3 is trying everything not to fail as a gaming console. one question what do ps3 fanboys gonna do when the ps3 dont hit 16 mil by years end and wii is over 35 mil?

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049

Soriku said:
Honestly, why you guys still argue with CrazzyMan is beyond me.

 Boredom and stubborness. It provides me a lot of entertainment to watch him dance around my arguement and try to cherry pick facts that I can't disprove as his arguement falls apart.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network

I think it's far too early to make that determination.  First off, I think that video game sales in general are going to dramatically increase over this year.  It seems that more and more people are looking to games for entertainment.  And CoolestGuyEver, you're signature is lame, and you therefore, are NOT the coolest guy ever. 

Gnizmo said:
Soriku said:
Honestly, why you guys still argue with CrazzyMan is beyond me.

Boredom and stubborness. It provides me a lot of entertainment to watch him dance around my arguement and try to cherry pick facts that I can't disprove as his arguement falls apart.

 Post count.

PS2 exceeded 100M, Xbox and GC didn't come close.

Why?  Though they go hand in hand, it was the number of games.

PS2 2,041 games released.

Xbox 888.

GC 651.  1/3 the games that PS2 had.

And when the PS3 was coming out in Nov 2006, developers were going to only develope for it, remember?  And maybe do some ports over to the X360.

Ummm... look at number of the games released now.  With the hype for develeopers to do PS3, and X360 having a year to have games built for it.

PS3  233 games.

X360 321.  Better.

Wii 370.   50% more games than PS3. 

Sure for hardcore, PS3's and X360's games are better.  No question about that.  The question is how hard core are those 100M+ PS2 fans?  All of them?  No.  1/3 of them.  Yes, or close enough  (ie, like the hard core games, don't like the hard core prices).   In the middle then.  And how many will do the PSWii?  Versus waiting for the price of the PS3 to drop to $249, but while they're waiting, going ahead and buying the Wii, or an X360?   And then never getting around to buying the PS3 because the next gen boxes are coming out.  

All in all.  PS3 sales die off in 6 more years, whether Sony wants to keep making them or not.  60-70M sales, since it will die off faster than the PS2.  Definitely not getting 2,000 games made for it.   

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

CrazzyMan said:
Last generation DC PS2 Xbox and NGC was 180mln. These consoles are all the same in a way (same controller style). If the Wii didn't exist the market for this generation will be like 200mln. However the Wii exists and will extend the market with 30mln at max.
Nice. I was saying that for long time before. =)
30 mln. ? yes it could. BUT also could 100 mln. NOBODY knows how many there casual non-gamers willing to pay 99$ for Wii TOY.
Also NOBODY knows How many of those non-gamers will eventually want HD gaming, that won`t expand gaming market, but can increase ps3/x360 sales.
So NO. PS3 will never get to 100mln.
Never say NEVER. Wii did only 20 mln. that is only 1/6 from PS2 userbase and 1/9 (or 11%) from whole theoretical userbase.

BUT also could 100 mln. NOBODY knows how many there casual non-gamers willing to pay 99$ for Wii TOY.  Also NOBODY knows How many of those non-gamers will eventually want HD gaming, that won`t expand gaming market, but can increase ps3/x360 sales.

Well, they are non-gamers.  So by labeling definition, they will NOT want true 100% real WTF mind blowing gaming system.  Those senior adults who can't even see that well without glasses.  They can't know how crisp that HD is from 20 feet away.  Yeah, I'm talking about those old fogies that are over the hill.  You know.  Older than 35.  And don't get me started about girls wanting to play on a MAN's  gaming machine.   (by 'girls', I mean all females, of course).  They would only want sissy games anyway and destroy the gaming world as it has been for centuries.

The kids (younger than Leo) have their Wii, and if they play that console with others in their family, well, who needs that kind of player anyways.

And non-online players, don't even think that just because PS3 doesn't have MS size of online that you'll be welcome here either.

But other than the traitors to X360, PS3 has all the rest of us.  Those can afford it, that is.  Sony should keep the price of the PS3 high enough to keep the lower riffraff out.  Better games that way, since they will be just the kinds that we like and no others, like what happened with the PS2.  Final Fantasy?  That's a hardcore game?  I think not!  See what happens when you allows others in?


Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Mars said:
lol typical vg.

Before it was PS3 is dead its to expensive, now its ohh it wont hit 100 mill. A year from now it will be ohh it might do 100 mill but wont pass the PS2. Then it will be ohh it might come close but wont pass the PS2s 15xx sales.

  The PS3 is dead in the console race (for first that is) it is too expensive and it won't hit 100M. I don't think anyones opinion has changed that much? Whereas the otherside has been Wii will die in 06, 07, 08 because its a fad.
 PS3 is dead as far as the console race goes, it is too expensive