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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%
Vinniegambini said:
tbone51 said:
new zelda?

I know this has nothing to do with Zelda Tbone but I remember you having a bet with RolStopable I believe about Luigi's Mansion 2 not selling over 1 million this year. Well according to Reggie, LGM2 sales in USA have passed the 415k mark in 3 weeks time! And with Japan at 500k, add Europe! It's well over the 1 million!

On a side note, Fire Emblem has now sold 240k LTD :D

in the beginning i had an arguemnt wit somebody saying that luigi mansion2 can blow up. like 5mil lifetime i said with legs possibly more. then rol said stop doing drugs, then he said 900k this year and 1.25mil lifetime. but he wanted to changed the bet to 2mil by years end. anyway he's probably like F*** lol. not even a month and closing in on 1.5mil. did you see that luigi 3ds xl? omg, my bro going to cry lmao. he loves Luigi! 


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I am glad i chose to get the 3DS over the Wii U. So many 3DS games i want. I will get a Wii U sometime in the future after it gets more games i want, until then the 3DS will hold me over for months/years

So glad I got a 3DS. ^_^

The title really needs to change! The ND has been and it was amaaazing

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Random game idea; I just saw the title of Mario & Donkey Kong in another thread, and thought to myself; wouldn't it be great if that game was similar to the original Donkey Kong game, only with multiplayer? Like, you can choose between Donkey Kong, Mario, Diddy Kong and Luigi - each having different abilities that will allow different ways to play the game; Donkey is strong, Mario is kinda all-around, Diddy is agile, Luigi can jump... So when you play multiplayer you can help each other out; Donkey can throw the other player long distances, Luigi can jump to other platforms, Diddy can get to other narrow places no one else can get to, so you need to co-operate. OR you could be competing with each other as well I guess =)

And the lay out of the levels should definitely be inspired from the original DK; going from the bottom to the top; so you could have mix between DK, SMB and Ice Climbers...


I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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tbone51 said:
Vinniegambini said:
tbone51 said:
new zelda?

I know this has nothing to do with Zelda Tbone but I remember you having a bet with RolStopable I believe about Luigi's Mansion 2 not selling over 1 million this year. Well according to Reggie, LGM2 sales in USA have passed the 415k mark in 3 weeks time! And with Japan at 500k, add Europe! It's well over the 1 million!

On a side note, Fire Emblem has now sold 240k LTD :D

in the beginning i had an arguemnt wit somebody saying that luigi mansion2 can blow up. like 5mil lifetime i said with legs possibly more. then rol said stop doing drugs, then he said 900k this year and 1.25mil lifetime. but he wanted to changed the bet to 2mil by years end. anyway he's probably like F*** lol. not even a month and closing in on 1.5mil. did you see that luigi 3ds xl? omg, my bro going to cry lmao. he loves Luigi! 


Hey t.. hwat is that Luigi 3ds XL?


What are we talking about? I am sweating in here!


tbone51 said:
Vinniegambini said:
tbone51 said:
new zelda?

I know this has nothing to do with Zelda Tbone but I remember you having a bet with RolStopable I believe about Luigi's Mansion 2 not selling over 1 million this year. Well according to Reggie, LGM2 sales in USA have passed the 415k mark in 3 weeks time! And with Japan at 500k, add Europe! It's well over the 1 million!

On a side note, Fire Emblem has now sold 240k LTD :D

in the beginning i had an arguemnt wit somebody saying that luigi mansion2 can blow up. like 5mil lifetime i said with legs possibly more. then rol said stop doing drugs, then he said 900k this year and 1.25mil lifetime. but he wanted to changed the bet to 2mil by years end. anyway he's probably like F*** lol. not even a month and closing in on 1.5mil. did you see that luigi 3ds xl? omg, my bro going to cry lmao. he loves Luigi! 


I did! Sadly its for Japan only - they always get the good stuff first :(



Yesterday we finally got a release date of August 4th for Pikmin 3, but it turns out the above memo that has been circulating around 4chan’s /v/ community was leaked before the Nintendo PR email that went out confirming the release date. With that in mind, let’s have a look at what’s on the docket for future release.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things on this sheet is the fact that Super Mario Galaxy 2 seems to have been in consideration as a port from Wii to Wii U. The release was supposed to include a soundtrack CD, but it looks as if this project has been put on hold. Moving on from there, we see several accessory releases scheduled and The Wonderful 101 set for some time in July.

Unfortunately release dates are pretty scarce, but under the release date “Fall” we have the following titles:

  • Bayonetta 2
  • Yarn Yoshi
  • Xenoblade Wii U
  • Super Smash Bros. Wii U
  • Shen Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover
  • Mario Kart Wii U

Certainly not a bad start to the holiday season on Nintendo’s part. Given the accuracy of the document at predicting the Pikmin 3 and Legend of Zelda 3DS version, it seems these release dates could be accurate.

Other things to note are the release of Wii Fit U with Balance Board and Fit Meter, which could certainly appeal to those who purchased the original Wii Fit. What do you think of this release schedule? Let us know in the comments below.

gentii said:



Yesterday we finally got a release date of August 4th for Pikmin 3, but it turns out the above memo that has been circulating around 4chan’s /v/ community was leaked before the Nintendo PR email that went out confirming the release date. With that in mind, let’s have a look at what’s on the docket for future release.

Perhaps one of the most interesting things on this sheet is the fact that Super Mario Galaxy 2 seems to have been in consideration as a port from Wii to Wii U. The release was supposed to include a soundtrack CD, but it looks as if this project has been put on hold. Moving on from there, we see several accessory releases scheduled and The Wonderful 101 set for some time in July.

Unfortunately release dates are pretty scarce, but under the release date “Fall” we have the following titles:

  • Bayonetta 2
  • Yarn Yoshi
  • Xenoblade Wii U
  • Super Smash Bros. Wii U
  • Shen Megami Tensei & Fire Emblem Crossover
  • Mario Kart Wii U

Certainly not a bad start to the holiday season on Nintendo’s part. Given the accuracy of the document at predicting the Pikmin 3 and Legend of Zelda 3DS version, it seems these release dates could be accurate.

Other things to note are the release of Wii Fit U with Balance Board and Fit Meter, which could certainly appeal to those who purchased the original Wii Fit. What do you think of this release schedule? Let us know in the comments below.

By no later then August 4 2K13, it will be secure in having over 90 million life time sales with the current library plus Wario & Wonderful 101 & Pikmin 3. And of course I'm taking in upcoming games after it, like the ones you mentioned and more. The 3D Mario seems to be 2014, and so does maybe also Zelda Wind Waker HD.

I really can't see Smash comming out so soon, though with the WiiU's poor sales they could be rushing games out there (which would be really bad), but then the Pikmin 3 situation contradicts that.