While inFamous: Second Son might have been released officially, Sucker Punch Production haven’t stopped supporting the game post-launch yet. They are releasing weekly updates for the game’s Paper Trail mission, and also releasing patches for fixing various issues/bugs experienced by the people. Since inFamous: Second Son runs at an unlocked frame rate, one of the requested feature was to limit the frame rate, just like Killzone: Shadow Fall. Sucker Punch have acknowledged this issue and confirmed that they are working on getting it in the game.

Digital Foundry recently did a technical analysis on inFamous: Second Son, in which they talked about the unlocked frame rate. According to Digital Foundry, the unlocked frame rate can result in random judder during gameplay, which can end up being annoying. While the game runs smooth for the most part, and stays above 30 fps, the dips that usually happen are mostly above 30 fps and hence it is entirely possible to run the game at locked 30 fps on the PS4. Sucker Punch are working on getting the frame rate limit option in through a game update, as they confirmed on twitter.

@HX422 We’ve heard this request quite a bit and are working on getting that option in.

Another most requested feature was dynamic day/night cycle, or at least the ability to change it as we want. Unfortunately, Sucker Punch can’t really promise the inclusion of this one, although they have confirmed that are looking into what they can do with it.

@thatsnotkosher tons of request for this one. Looking to see what we can do.

The Paper Trail mission is still on-going and Sucker Punch confirmed that they will release weekly updates for the game, that will go live on Friday. So expect the Part 3 of Paper Trail to be released next Friday.

@Stoky1 updates are weekly on Friday.


Which feature would you like added to the game? Let us know in the comments below.