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It's fucking insane how hyped I am for The Last Of Us Complete Edition... I have it on PS3, I finished it 4 times.... and yet....

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I want to now add my totally not drunk and thus completely valid complaint about ISS, remember this comes from a guy that watched at least 50% of the game on youtube.

I think one of the biggest problems of Infamous is just how the side characters are not fleshed out at all. Many complaints are about the games sidequests being just monotonous and boring after some time, alot of this could have been combatted with some awesome sidequests that help you to better get to know Fetch and the others, instead all sidequests all seem very unpersonal and pointless.

Just the opinion of one guy that is totally sober and also very much hopes that these quests don't exists since otherwise he'd feel extremely stupid.

PS: The third power looks like the best and most fun power to ever exist in a game, great job Sucker Punch

Signed: I'm totally not drunk

DerNebel said:

I want to now add my totally not drunk and thus completely valid complaint about ISS, remember this comes from a guy that watched at least 50% of the game on youtube.

I think one of the biggest problems of Infamous is just how the side characters are not fleshed out at all. Many complaints are about the games sidequests being just monotonous and boring after some time, alot of this could have been combatted with some awesome sidequests that help you to better get to know Fetch and the others, instead all sidequests all seem very unpersonal and pointless.

Just the opinion of one guy that is totally sober and also very much hopes that these quests don't exists since otherwise he'd feel extremely stupid.

PS: The third power looks like the best and most fun power to ever exist in a game, great job Sucker Punch

Signed: I'm totally not drunk

That's mostly everyone's problem with the game. I am a huge fan of the series but the story was somewhat of a let down and the side quests get really tedious—especially if when you get to the second part of the game. I'm hoping that if Sucker Punch makes one more Infamous game that they really nail the story and side quests.

Can anyone do a breakdown of all the 'powers' of inFamous in a little spoiler-blocking bit of gray text? I want to know, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone else. I have the first power, I know what the second power is (neon), I am fairly certain I know what the third power is, but a fourth? Did not know there was a fourth. like I said, someone break it down for me?

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Runa216 said:
Can anyone do a breakdown of all the 'powers' of inFamous in a little spoiler-blocking bit of gray text? I want to know, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone else. I have the first power, I know what the second power is (neon), I am fairly certain I know what the third power is, but a fourth? Did not know there was a fourth. like I said, someone break it down for me?



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pezus said:
DerNebel said:

PS: The third power looks like the best and most fun power to ever exist in a game, great job Sucker Punch

Agreed. At least the best looking one. I find the fourth power to be the most fun to use now, I think. Or at least the most powerful one, while the third power is maybe more fun.

More real sidequest would've been good indeed

I hope there is DLC adding some content. The fourth power needs some more love. Its too, well, POWERFUL to just leave it without extra side quests. This is like the first game i started my second playthrough imediately after finishing the first. (I wish we could carry over the powers to start a new game even if they would be disabled in specific missions) Great accomplishment for SPunch.  

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

Did anyone download the new SS patch? If so what does it do? Getting low on internet so I didn't want to DL it unless it was worth it.

Runa216 said:
Can anyone do a breakdown of all the 'powers' of inFamous in a little spoiler-blocking bit of gray text? I want to know, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone else. I have the first power, I know what the second power is (neon), I am fairly certain I know what the third power is, but a fourth? Did not know there was a fourth. like I said, someone break it down for me?

I'll skip smoke since you already have it, and use it as an example for comparison to the others. (in advanced, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. It's 5am and i don't give enough of a shit to spell check :p)


Neon Beam: Similar to the smoke R2 attack but intended for precision rather than spamming. If you hold down the aim button enemies show weak spots that can be hit to kill/incapacitate them quickly.

Phosphor Beam: Like the rocket attack for Smoke but instead of instantly firing, it takes a second or two to charge (though does more damage on impact and you can hold more at once).

Lightspeed: Let's you runs fast and up walls. Can be upgrading to work continuously, making it pretty useful for traveling about the city (or running the hell away from stuff :p)

Stasis Bubble: Enemies hit by it start floating about for a short time, giving you a chance to kill them.


Video Torrent: Instead of the spamming attack of smoke orthe  precision shot of Neon, this is essentially a contentious stream of damage.

Bloodthirsty Blades: The rocket attack for video. It sets a target on an enemy then fires video blades at where ever the target was set (basically seeker missiles).

Shroud of invisibility: Using this temporarily makes you invisible, leaving behind a decoy for enemies to attack while you run to them and melee them. Can be upgraded to summon a video angel as the decoy instead.

Video Surge. Like light speed it makes you go fast and allows you to go up walls, but also allows you to glide through the air and use satellite dishes as a pad to launch yourself through the sky. It's downside is that unlike lightspeed it can't be upgraded to be continuous, but instead to have 2 uses before needing to touch the ground (like smoke's dash).


Concrete Shrapnel: Pretty much the same as Video Torrent, it's a stream of continuous stones. 

Boulder Dash: Allows you to run faster and smash your way through enemies and cars. It can be upgraded to be continuous, but doesn't let you run up walls or use vents (so it's powerful, but means you have to climb buildings yourself).

Concrete Barrage. Like the rocket attack of Smoke, but launch several disks of stone outwards in-front of you. It's very powerful, but you are quite limited at the number you can have before needing to absorb more concrete.

Concrete also has some unique twists to the others. Unlike the other three whose glide attack is the same (float through the air gradually moving to the ground), concretes allows you to float in the air for considerably longer, and so a kind of air jump to gain more height. Also unlike the other three is that it's melee isn't a simple "hit this thing", but instead you smash the ground with your hand to create a small area of effect blast to enemies directly in-front of you. Concrete also doesn't have a static place to adsorb it (like the signs for neon, video satellites for video and smoke for... well.. smoke :p), instead you absord the concrete from fallen DUP enemies.

The comet attack for each is essentially the same (the jump then squat attack), other than look slightly different. Their special attack are also pretty much the same (big area of effect attacks), except Smokes cant be used if a ceiling is above you and concrete has none at all.

Concrete is probably the most unique of the 4 powers. The other three balance mobility and power, concrete is all about being a bad ass then getting annoyed at how long it takes to get everywhere :P

It's funny how our view on these forums can be limited in how we interpret real life. There are so many variables. Someone I know just got a ps4 for infamous. The funny thing is, for financial reasons, he didnt even buy Infamous yet because he couldn't find the bundle in a store and didn't have cash for the full game. So got a ps4 for infamous without purchasing infamous yet :D
And according to him, ps4 is like gold where he stays in the US. very hard to find in a store. Stock issues are still not sorted out everywhere in US people.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

Zekkyou said:
Runa216 said:
Can anyone do a breakdown of all the 'powers' of inFamous in a little spoiler-blocking bit of gray text? I want to know, but I don't want to spoil it for everyone else. I have the first power, I know what the second power is (neon), I am fairly certain I know what the third power is, but a fourth? Did not know there was a fourth. like I said, someone break it down for me?

I'll skip smoke since you already have it, and use it as an example for comparison to the others. (in advanced, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. It's 5am and i don't give enough of a shit to spell check :p)


Neon Beam: Similar to the smoke R2 attack but intended for precision rather than spamming. If you hold down the aim button enemies show weak spots that can be hit to kill/incapacitate them quickly.

Phosphor Beam: Like the rocket attack for Smoke but instead of instantly firing, it takes a second or two to charge (though does more damage on impact and you can hold more at once).

Lightspeed: Let's you runs fast and up walls. Can be upgrading to work continuously, making it pretty useful for traveling about the city (or running the hell away from stuff :p)

Stasis Bubble: Enemies hit by it start floating about for a short time, giving you a chance to kill them.


Video Torrent: Instead of the spamming attack of smoke orthe  precision shot of Neon, this is essentially a contentious stream of damage.

Bloodthirsty Blades: The rocket attack for video. It sets a target on an enemy then fires video blades at where ever the target was set (basically seeker missiles).

Shroud of invisibility: Using this temporarily makes you invisible, leaving behind a decoy for enemies to attack while you run to them and melee them. Can be upgraded to summon a video angel as the decoy instead.

Video Surge. Like light speed it makes you go fast and allows you to go up walls, but also allows you to glide through the air and use satellite dishes as a pad to launch yourself through the sky. It's downside is that unlike lightspeed it can't be upgraded to be continuous, but instead to have 2 uses before needing to touch the ground (like smoke's dash).


Concrete Shrapnel: Pretty much the same as Video Torrent, it's a stream of continuous stones. 

Boulder Dash: Allows you to run faster and smash your way through enemies and cars. It can be upgraded to be continuous, but doesn't let you run up walls or use vents (so it's powerful, but means you have to climb buildings yourself).

Concrete Barrage. Like the rocket attack of Smoke, but launch several disks of stone outwards in-front of you. It's very powerful, but you are quite limited at the number you can have before needing to absorb more concrete.

Concrete also has some unique twists to the others. Unlike the other three whose glide attack is the same (float through the air gradually moving to the ground), concretes allows you to float in the air for considerably longer, and so a kind of air jump to gain more height. Also unlike the other three is that it's melee isn't a simple "hit this thing", but instead you smash the ground with your hand to create a small area of effect blast to enemies directly in-front of you. Concrete also doesn't have a static place to adsorb it (like the signs for neon, video satellites for video and smoke for... well.. smoke :p), instead you absord the concrete from fallen DUP enemies.

The comet attack for each is essentially the same (the jump then squat attack), other than look slightly different. Their special attack are also pretty much the same (big area of effect attacks), except Smokes cant be used if a ceiling is above you and concrete has none at all.

Concrete is probably the most unique of the 4 powers. The other three balance mobility and power, concrete is all about being a bad ass then getting annoyed at how long it takes to get everywhere :P

Yup.  This is going to be awesome, but the third power confuses me.  I have absolutely no conception of how that would work, but I'm looking forward to learning! 

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