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DD_Bwest said:
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

I guess its to soon after the DLC for them to just announce the ps4 version..  this will be a very long and hard wait..

question is, could TLoU PS4 push consoles? 

Around the Network
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

That's ok, I've read from several people today that he is just a "Sony fanboy making shit up", so we don't have to take him into account -.-

...seriously the constant NeoGaf insider hate by some people on here really gets on my nerve.

bananaking21 said:
DD_Bwest said:
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

I guess its to soon after the DLC for them to just announce the ps4 version..  this will be a very long and hard wait..

question is, could TLoU PS4 push consoles? 

From the opinion of someone who is heavily biased and beat the game 8 times..  Yes, yes it could.  


I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

bananaking21 said:
DD_Bwest said:
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

I guess its to soon after the DLC for them to just announce the ps4 version..  this will be a very long and hard wait..

question is, could TLoU PS4 push consoles? 

Well, a PS4 version would obviously be aimed at people without a PS3, so it could definitely give PS4 the edge over the XB1 in some people's opinion!

DerNebel said:
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

That's ok, I've read from several people today that he is just a "Sony fanboy making shit up", so we don't have to take him into account -.-

...seriously the constant NeoGaf insider hate by some people on here really gets on my nerve.

lol man the sonygaf NeoGaf hate on here is unbelievable. they went batshit crazy of the MS leaks back in January though. 

Around the Network
bananaking21 said:
DD_Bwest said:
bananaking21 said:

TLoU PS4 is true according to famous.

I guess its to soon after the DLC for them to just announce the ps4 version..  this will be a very long and hard wait..

question is, could TLoU PS4 push consoles? 


360 owners debating about switching to PlayStation. I doubt there's a lot of them left, but TLOU could give a small bump in demand. Will be hard to judge though if it's still having supply issues.

You're welcome!

Here's what Col Rodgers, the director who left Evolution, has had to say on Neogaf:

Hello, all.

This is my first post on NeoGAF, and whilst I'm not generally one to deal in internet speculation, I have to put the record straight with regard to Pete Dodd's comments above.

Everything he has said with regard to myself and Driveclub is incorrect. It's also libellous.

As Putty (who is a personal friend of mine, and has been for about 25 years) suggests, I left Evo in February for personal reasons. The personal reasons being that my son, who is 4 years old, has been diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome, which is a potentially life threatening condition. I live 220 miles (4 hours drive) away from Evolution Studios, and was away from home 5.5 days a week. Given the circumstances, I could not continue to work there.

Driveclub is a great game, and the direction hasn't changed since my departure. This has been confirmed by SONY in various press releases over recent days.

I have no problem in dealing with very large projects, as I've been working in the games industry for the last 19 years, and have worked on some very prestigious titles, so there is genuinely no truth to anything posted by Mr Dodds at all. My departure (and indeed the setup of my 'indie' operation, BigRedSwitch) is 100% driven by family necessity, not some professional failing on my part.

I left SONY on very good terms. There is no animosity there, and I was absolutely nothing to do with the recent redundancies - in fact, the news of those redundancies was probably linked on here before I knew about them.

The games industry is a tough place at the moment. My circumstances with my son mean that I've had to leave secure work in order to try to make my own way in the world. This may entail getting another job. With people who obviously know nothing about the situation blackening my reputation for the sake of internet 'fame', this could be made much more difficult. It's nothing less than trolling.

I've contacted Mr. Dodd on his email address on his site. Due to the factual inaccuracy of his statements, I've informed him that he needs to remove the statements and apologise for the damage they have caused, as posting incorrect information and claiming it's true is quite simply libel.

I'm sure you can all appreciate just how difficult things are for myself and my family at the moment. I'd genuinely appreciate it if you can take my statements as word from the origin, and realise that there has been no big cover-up when it comes to my departure from SONY/Evo.

Thanks, all.


Edit - too slow.

Mort is banned on Neogaf