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Happy 549 70.38%
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Scared 4 0.51%
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Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

@eb1994, currently 65 people





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Robot just let know the name of the game when it is announce for I can support it, good or bad :)

RawrJa said:
Robot just let know the name of the game when it is announce for I can support it, good or bad :)

Ohh come on it's definitely gonna be good! Although when 80 meta is considered a critical flop...everything is possible...

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Btw. cause I forgot to ask, what is your job in the studio animeheaven?

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

Well it looks like the PS4 Camera sold out on Amazon. That was fast.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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TheGoldenBoy said:
vivster said:
My first impression of Infamous:

Graphics are great for a PS4 game, average for a PC gamer. FPS is noticeable. but so far not a game breaker. I think it was worse in AC4.
Th powers at start are poorly balanced. Smoke powers take too much energy with not enough smoke sources to drain. (I miss electricity where you could drain almost anything).
I think I'm going to power through it to the neon powers before I attempt to free the city.

I'll leave you with this.

Hit any car 3-4 times with R2 and drain the smoke that comes from the car.

I do agree though that there aren't enough Smoke replinishing places. You have to somewhat search for them.

Don't want to destroy cars, I'm a good guy :)

But I'm a few hours in now and with a bit of karma and shard farming I maxed out my smoke powers and it's getting way easier. The smoke bomb is the holy grail for every good guy.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

eFKac said:
RawrJa said:
Robot just let know the name of the game when it is announce for I can support it, good or bad :)

Ohh come on it's definitely gonna be good! Although when 80 meta is considered a critical flop...everything is possible...

When did 80 meta become a flop?! Why does meta even matters?

Well i just put 8.5 hour into second son, I'd have to say the game is great. I just got my second power too. but i've cleared a lot of the map and maxed out smoke. About got neon maxed about because off all the extra shards i had stacked up. Anygame that can keep my attention that long in a single seating is a must buy. Pretty decent. And the powers are interesting enough to keep you playing. Dealing with the DUP can be a choir at times. But once you master how to use you powers that becomes a lot of fun. One of my favorit things in the game is the taging sections. It's cool, to turn you controller and shake it like a paint can and then fill in the stencil. I wish they'd let you do the whole painting, and it would be nice if you had to arrange the stencil set correctly to get the final painting, but still cool, and a nice break from the normal aspect of the game.

Mmmfishtacos said:
Well i just put 8.5 hour into second son, I'd have to say the game is great. I just got my second power too. but i've cleared a lot of the map and maxed out smoke. About got neon maxed about because off all the extra shards i had stacked up. Anygame that can keep my attention that long in a single seating is a must buy. Pretty decent. And the powers are interesting enough to keep you playing. Dealing with the DUP can be a choir at times. But once you master how to use you powers that becomes a lot of fun. One of my favorit things in the game is the taging sections. It's cool, to turn you controller and shake it like a paint can and then fill in the stencil. I wish they'd let you do the whole painting, and it would be nice if you had to arrange the stencil set correctly to get the final painting, but still cool, and a nice break from the normal aspect of the game.

Same, I put around 7 hours into it so far.   Have only just played around with neon for a couple hours.  I'm at like 39% complete.  And I have most of the first island completely DUP clean.  I will also say that i quite like the side missions in the game.  Nice change of pace and even though they are repetitive in each district, I still enjoy starting one.

Sony has put together a virtual reality headset prototype which is aesthetically slicker and more comfortable to use than Oculus, and importantly it has existing, familiar controllers able to track movements. Sony has promised to bring Morpheus to market at a reasonable price, though opinions will vary on what exactly ‘reasonable’ means – whatever its eventual price and release date, these first few encounters alone suggest that once this tech becomes available to the consumer, there won’t be any shortage of people happy to pay any price for a ticket to these vivid virtual worlds.

The term ‘revolutionary’ has been hijacked by public relations people and diluted with overuse, but like Oculus Rift before it, I’d happily describe Project Morpheus as such without fear of sounding disingenuous. The countless game developers i’ve talked to about the device this week also speak of VR’s incredible potential – those who have worked with Morpheus, Oculus or both speak in glowing terms of virtual reality’s future applications not just for entertainment but in a wider sense – as a simulator, educational tool, for training – even for therapy.

Virtual reality can change the way we think about not just videogames, but virtual interactions as a whole. Yes, these are prototypes and yes, these are early days for the medium, but in Project Morpheus and Oculus Rift, we’re seeing not just the rebirth of virtual reality, but the starting point for something much, much bigger than videogames.