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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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mornelithe said:
Pibituh said:
mornelithe said:
Pibituh said:
mornelithe said:

The Last of Us picks up yet MORE hardware, straight from GDC 2014.

Game of the Year - The Last of Us
Best Narrative - The Last of Us
Best Game Design - The Last of Us

Other less important awards that were handed out in sympathy of other developers who've been shafted over having released games in the same year as Naughty Dog:

Ambassador Award - Anita Sarkeesian (First woman to ever win the award, Bravo!)
Best Visual Art - Bioshock Infinite
Best Technology - Grand Theft Auto V
Best Handheld/Mobile Game - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Best Audio - Bioshock Infinite
Pioneer Award - Brandon Beck and Mark Merrill of Riot Games
Best Debut - The Fullbright Company (Gone Home)
Innovation Award - Papers, Please
Lifetime Achievement Award - Ken "The Godfather of Playstation" Kutaragi
Audience Choice Award - Kerbal Space Program
Best Downloadable Game - Papers, Please

*Pioneer Award - Brandon Beck and Mark Merrill of Riot Games  
(League of Legends)
Papers, Please. Great surprise, never played that game. Even tho I've seen it before, maybe I should give it a try  ~

I've actually heard great things about it for the past several months, so it's definitely worth a look, that's for sure.

Yes, indeed. He actually won 5 awards this evening.  I couldn't be more surprised ~

Yeah there were some other awards handed out earlier in GDC that were only mentioned briefly (that they'd won) in the article I saw.   Papers, Please also won the Seumas McNally grand prize for Best Independent Game

I've seen the entire show. Before the GDC awards were the IGF awards, they award independent game developers.

Around the Network

Fuck you Yoshida, fuck you Sony!!!

Hopefully they are implementing VR in GT7 then...ohh and it looks like DriveClub was simply a turd that they need to work on more.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

All aboard the hype train!!!!


celador said:

All aboard the hype train!!!!



How much time until the embargo lifts? Please don't give me a timezone, cause I have no idea which timezone it is and how does it translate to mine

Predicting 79-81 meta.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

eFKac said:
celador said:

All aboard the hype train!!!!



How much time until the embargo lifts? Please don't give me a timezone, cause I have no idea which timezone it is and how does it translate to mine

Predicting 79-81 meta.

If the title to this thread is correct (because a few different times have been mentioned) 9am PST is 4pm in London.  So however many hours Poland is ahead of London, probably 6pm

Around the Network
celador said:
eFKac said:
celador said:

All aboard the hype train!!!!



How much time until the embargo lifts? Please don't give me a timezone, cause I have no idea which timezone it is and how does it translate to mine

Predicting 79-81 meta.

If the title to this thread is correct (because a few different times have been mentioned) 9am PST is 4pm in London.  So however many hours Poland is ahead of London, probably 6pm

Thanks, if pi guy is correct (which he most probably isn't cause he is a failure) it's 5pm. Damn, I still don't know whether to buy this game day 1 or not....

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

the-pi-guy said:
About 4 hours and 12 minutes.

lucky me!!! i will be out jogging by then :/ i wanted to experience the embargo life!! meltdowns will accur!! 

ps4 VR video link

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

eFKac said:
celador said:

If the title to this thread is correct (because a few different times have been mentioned) 9am PST is 4pm in London.  So however many hours Poland is ahead of London, probably 6pm

Thanks, if pi guy is correct (which he most probably isn't cause he is a failure) it's 5pm. Damn, I still don't know whether to buy this game day 1 or not....

tell me about it! did you know his parents dont love him as well? 

vivster said:
There is a new thread about more Infamous powers. I haven't clicked yet but oh the temptation.

Same. Will wait until I get the game to find out for myself. Think that's the best way.