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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony VP: “PlayStation 4 will have the strongest launch line-up we’ve ever had”

Am I the only one that is kinda hoping that ND is not making Uncharted 4? I know it'll be great but with how Drake's Deception ended, it gave us good closure on that series. @OP I think its very important that they have a strong launch line up to entice gamers to upgrade to next gen not just on name alone. With the PS3 I upgraded basically on Resistance 1 which was decent and the PS brand, thats it. You don't want to launch another console with a reputation of having "no games."

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SnakeEyez said:
Am I the only one that is kinda hoping that ND is not making Uncharted 4?


RolStoppable said:
I very much doubt it. Previous launches set the bar incredibly high.

Now that I've actually looked, PS2 launched with Armored Core 2, Dynasty Warriors 2, and Kessen. So yeah, no chance PS4 can touch that.

I Think they will have good launch games


Well its gonna have no issues having a better one then PS3...

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Killzone or inFAMOUS at launch will be enough for me to buy one.

The Vita had the best launch in recent handheld history, and that didn't help much.

Love and tolerate.

RolStoppable said:
I very much doubt it. Previous launches set the bar incredibly high.

Can you list a incredibly previous launch to try to make a comparison with PS4... just say the name of console that I get the games.

Wii U actually had a decent line up too.

the problem was they were all ports and old games (batman, ac3)

9087 said:
Killzone: Shadowfall
Watch Dogs
Battlefield 4
Call of Duty
The Witness (will get great reviews)

Those were the games that stood out in the conference last Week.  Would be my Day 1 games, if I could buy PS4 at launch.