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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you guys love happy endings?

After Call of Duty 4 and Halo 3 took most of my gaming time away, I finally decided to finish Uncharted: Drakes Fortune after keeping it for a few months.

The game's graphics are definitely pretty but the experience itself is what I like most about this game. Sure, the plot of this game is unoriginal, shallow and silly but it's the thing that makes this game so wonderful. It's a game you can just play and enjoy without feeling heavy about it. If you don't get what I mean, try playing through the Metal Gear Series and think about all the questions raised in each release of the game. You feel stressed out just by thinking about everything that are left out of the plot of the game.

Playing Uncharted is like watching a Disney movie. You don't have to understand it but you just have to enjoy it. This coupled with a happy ending makes this a perfect game to cheer yourself up if you're a little depressed or just something to perfectly kill a weekend (in a good way). :)

Call me crazy but I was one of those who didn't play FF-X after hearing friends say that the ending is sad. Only after I knew that in FF-X2 Tidus and Yuna gets reunited that I played it. It's frustrating to play a 50+ hour RPG game, after the characters eat up into your feelings and you actually care about them, just to see the characters die or fall into misfortune.

The ending of Uncharted is perfect in a sense that you feel light and happy after finishing the game and it closes the plot completely leaving nothing for you to ponder about. After playing the game, you can just forget about the plot of the game and just feel happy.

So for the next Uncharted, here's a small withlist for Naughty Dog:

-keep the plot simple and enjoyable like this first game and don't leave unanswered questions regarding the plot. In short, keep it close ended.

-I want another happy ending. *sniff *sniff

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unlike you, I like my movies/shows/games to have an opinion or rise philosophical/moral/ethical questions.

MGS does that, if it's too 'heavy' for you, then you should stay away from games like that.

I'm not here to judge, but there are people who enjoy a game as if it's actually an 'experience' (so to speak)

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It doesn't matter to me if the ending is happy or sad, as long as the story is told. So many times, I invest my time into a game, only to realise I'm gonna have to wait 2+ years for the conclusion! Studios close. Projects flop, or get cancelled. I know there are more important things in life, but I don't want to invest in a game like Soul Reaver, or Halo 2 knowing I may be dead before the story gets finished. The time between chapters of a video game story are too long.

I love LOST, so there's you're answer, I also loved the story of FF X. However, I did love Uncharted as well

Yeah I love happy endings, I pretend that at the end of Titanic Jack never die, yeah I'm a softie okay

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Yeah, look at the Shen Mue series, I'm dying to see the conclusion. It's a game that really deserved more.

Depends on the material, just like books or films.

Uncharted, sure, loved the ending - was smiling and felt well rewarded for the time I'd invested in the (unusually rounded) characters (for a videogame).

On the other hand I do enjoy the tortured musings of a Silent Hill or the depths of a Deus Ex (first one, second was so dumb by comparison I worried what had happened to the brains of the creators between instalments).

Its a different experience, but if you play through ICO (one of the best games ever for characters) you will be rewarded by a bittersweet the very uplifting ending.

Not to sound arrogant - but for real depth of 'intellectual musing' I'd still turn to a book or certain films... but I hope to see some games (not all of course) try and use the medium to deliver similar content.

Of course games (and to an extent even films) are still very much in their infancy next to books in this regard.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...


Totally agreed. Sure there are games that need deep understanding to enjoy, but for this game, the plot is perfect as it is.

Happy endings are great. It's just we need some unhappy endings to put them in perspective, too.

So I guess I just like good endings, which seem to be the hardest part of a story to write, given all the bad endings I've seen.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
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My favorite video game ending of all time was Metal Gear Solid 3. Everything that was introduced was tied up. There was a suprise twist. There was an incredible sense of accomplishment, and there was a moment that made me shed a tear or two. The ending wasn't really happy, but it was totally satisfying, and still set the stage for a follow up. Other devs. should take note (I'm talking to you, Bungie and Epic). This is how you end a game!