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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's be honest. What team are you on? (MASSIVE UPDATE)


Removing previous poll XD

HAHA 17 26.98%
HArdy Har 18 28.57%
MWAHAHAHA 23 36.51%
Horrorfest said:
Definitely PlayStation.

The guy with the Jack Tretton avatar is a Sony fan?

Honestly I thought you just liked his blazers

Mind=blown lol

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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Sony all the way!!!!

Can you put me down in both Sega and Sony?

When I was younger, I used to rotate between Sega and Sony, loved them equally. If Sega had a next gen console I'm sure I would have it.

If not, just put me down for Sony.

_crazy_man_ said:

OP please update!

It's updated :)


Teaaaaaam Nintendo! ...keep it quiet though, right? :p

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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I forgot to think of a team name...I'm not good at this but whatever: 

ShroomEaters or Weeds

JayWood2010 said:
_crazy_man_ said:

OP please update!

It's updated :)

It's _crazy_man_ not _crazy_man

Regardless thanks and cookies!

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

I don't consider myself a hardcore sony fan,but I've own all the playstation systems at one time,with the exception of the vita. I've also owned the wii and the xbox360 at one time,but I always keep going back to the playstation. Playstation family it is.

Ok. I pretty much grew up on nintendo games. Diddy Kong Racing, Mario Party, and Banjo Kazooie are probably some of my fondest memories with my family. Then I really liked Gamecube and Sega Dreamcast a lot. Me and my family had stopped playing together for the most part but we would enjoy Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Fur Fighter (Sega Dreamcast, I alos loved sonic adventures 2) from time to time. I also looooove nintendo handhelds. Pokemon and Zelda handheld games are some of my favorite games of all time.

I however did own a PS1, PS2, and PSP as well although i was never that excited about any of them beyond Jak, ratchet, and GTA. It wasnt until the XBOX with Halo 2 that i got into hardcore gaming with this addiction for great multiplayer. Halo quickly became my favorite game of all time where me and my friends in real life had a ton of fun together. Because of this i got a X360 at launch. Hhowever they didnt have halo 3 yet but I did get Gears of War which amazed me in every way even beating out halo. In a way i met some of the greatest people in my life on gears. Me and the 3 people that i played with on a daily basis on gears still talk a lot to this day whether it be on phone, steam, PSN, or XBL.

I eventually got a PS3 and loved MGS4. I had to go back and play every MGS game after that. I actually bought PS3 for KZ2 though, which was a great game but it didnt hit me the same way Halo did. I do love the 15+ exclusives i own for PS3. I Was most likely team son between 2009-2011

However I eventually went back to X360 and I do realize that ive never put more time into any console as much as i do X360. thank games like Halo, Gears, CoD,Forza, Castle Crashers, Trials Evolution, etc which all have a big focus on multiplayer. So i guess wht it really comes down to is what do i like more, Multiplayer or singleplayer? Even though I love singleplayer i do enjoy multiplayer more as Im pretty competitive.

Now for PC. Even thoug i enjoy pretty graphics and have a gaming PC I enjoy controllers more than keyboard mouses. I know you are thinking well you can use controllers too. Yes you can, but once again it comes down to multiplayer for me. Controllers vs Keyboard/Mouse online is ridiculous, controllers doesnt stand a chance. So i stick to console gaming because of that unless they have insane graphics like Far Cry, Crysis, or The Witcher 2.

So I guess in the end im MSFT although i may change depending on the NeXbox announcement. Ill end up getting them both eventually but im not sure which one ill get first.


Miguel_Zorro said:

Jay, you go first. :)

Ok i picked a team, now it's your turn :P