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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's be honest. What team are you on? (MASSIVE UPDATE)


Removing previous poll XD

HAHA 17 26.98%
HArdy Har 18 28.57%
MWAHAHAHA 23 36.51%

While I do generally give every console a go, I have to go with Nintendo. I still favor games on their consoles over any other, and the Nintendo consoles are the only ones I adopt early if I do (though me getting a console in its first year is extremely rare).


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I like Sony. A lot.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

PC masterace.

I like all of them, aside from wii (which still had good games), and I kinda want a wii-u. But if all console were to die, and everything became a PC game, I would be fine with that :P.

This forum isn't really a good representation about what people think of apple, it's a gaming forum, and I do like to play TWEWY, chaos rings and infinity blade. But it's not really a hard hitter.

Playstation :D

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I'm multiplat. Either PC or Nintendo... sometimes Sony. More Nintendo these days. I may get PS4 though. But a bit later and it depends on the games. I skipped PS3, although I loved PSX and PS2.

So put me down for Nintendo for now.

I have decided, put me down in Nintendo camp. And there is a lot of people not being honest in thread. We know what team you rooting for.

Let just go with sony here :)


Mostly for the features though like cross game chat, better online (imo), more friends on it ect. The only first party games they have that I enjoy are the Halo series (did not care for Halo 1-3 tho) and Fable (aside from 3 and Journey)

Nintendo it is ^^