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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So looking back, what was the best console last gen?

DOATS1 said:
ps2 by far. i had an xbox too, but all mulitplatform games were purchased for the ps2 because all of my firends had a ps2. i only got halo 2, pgr2, and tomb raider legends for my xbox.

i despised the gamecube pad to be honest. buttons looked like they were mapped by a child. too many shapes, colours and sizes! but i was in love with smash brothers melee. rainbow six sucked massively on the gamecube though!

 Im so sorry for you... I was just comparing the SixaxiS (same form as the Dual Shock 2 controller for PS2) and the Gamecube controller. And Cube controller wins Hands down! (For me, that is...)... Whilst the SixaxiS isn't bad either! ^^...


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highwaystar101 said:
GBA was a lot of fun, especially when they released final fantasy 1,2,4,5&6 for it

And Golden Sun...


I never had a GBA... (Have a GBPocket, GBColour, DS, DSlite though)... But i borrowed one from a friend of mine to play it ...!


i have to admit though, i never owned a GC. i'm only just now catching up on all the games through wii's backward compatability.

i'm still trying to track down REmake and eternal darkness.

PS2 for sure for me, the best games, the highest rated games, and all the big franchises. You could of bought a game each week since launch and still not have played all the great games on the system. The PS2 is the best system ever and nothing will ever come close to the greatness that is the PS2.

Garcian Smith said:
stof said:
I think the PS2 takes the cake simply because if that's your console, you're not even at the point where you have to look back yet.

 Are companies even releasing PS2 exclusives anymore? I know the ol' system is still getting a handful of cross-platform titles, but I'm not sure of much else.

no i dont think anymore exclusive will get released for it

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

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I gotta say PS2, better library, backwards compability, plays DVD (well it was a + for me since I didn't had one)... GC had some must play games but the GameCube itself wasn't really awesome in my opinion.

The Dreamcast died too young. For a very long time I considered it a better system than the PS2. The GameCube was great for Nintendo titles... and not much else. And since I'm not a huge fan of FPSes, the Xbox was my least favorite.

So in order:

1. PS2 - Just had the most games and backwards compatibility with the PS1. Also doubled as my DVD player when mine broke.
2. GameCube - Yeah, I do like Nintendo titles!
3. Dreamcast - Poor, misunderstood system. But your parents pissed off the wrong people too many times before.
4. Xbox - Collected more dust than anything at my house. Not even sure why I bought one.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

^xbox was also great for racers

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"


dreamcast is second


The Playstation 2 was easily the best.

Any other choice is absurd.