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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%
NintendoPie said:
It would be funny to see anything that puts the PS4 in a dim light, really. Right now it's heralded as a god. :P

not really.  Seems like every time I say something positive about it I get shot down or doubted.  Apparently it's a crime to be excited for the first system from your favorite console manufacturer in 7 years.  I didn't treat the WiiU like this because even though I knew it wasn't a big leap compared to 360 and PS3 it was a big leap from the Wii.  MK, DKC, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and (hopefully) Starfox in HD will be amazing.  People just like to get on Sony these days for some reason or act like their fans are touting things they aren't.  Most of the Sony fans I know and see on here like them for their exclusives and free online, yet everyone characterizes Sony fans as tech fanatics that will freak out if nextbox has better specs.  I seem to recall a great many Sony fans loving PS2 and it was the least powerful console of its gen.  Whatever I'm gonna enjoy 10 years (at least) of awesome PS4 titles and pick up a WiiU when it's around $200 on ebay and has all the games I listed (minus one or two maybe).

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I'll add that Im almost certain 2 GB or so for the OS on PS4.

There's a lot going on in the OS. Constantly recording your gameplay, uploading through the share button, livecasting, streaming Gaikai.

Still a massive jump in memory and an awesome feature but Id be shocked if OS is less than 2 GB

eh? I rather have fun with games then watching people have meltdowns in forums ..

platformmaster918 said:

not really.  Seems like every time I say something positive about it I get shot down or doubted.  Apparently it's a crime to be excited for the first system from your favorite console manufacturer in 7 years.  I didn't treat the WiiU like this because even though I knew it wasn't a big leap compared to 360 and PS3 it was a big leap from the Wii.  MK, DKC, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and (hopefully) Starfox in HD will be amazing.  People just like to get on Sony these days for some reason or act like their fans are touting things they aren't.  Most of the Sony fans I know and see on here like them for their exclusives and free online, yet everyone characterizes Sony fans as tech fanatics that will freak out if nextbox has better specs.  I seem to recall a great many Sony fans loving PS2 and it was the least powerful console of its gen.  Whatever I'm gonna enjoy 10 years (at least) of awesome PS4 titles and pick up a WiiU when it's around $200 on ebay and has all the games I listed (minus one or two maybe).

Again, I'm not saying this to you, but there are many people who act the way I described.

I think it could go either way, but I don't think the meltdown will be that dramatic.

The way graphics are going, If you favour one system I don't think you're going to be worried that the competition is 20% more powerful. I look forward to seeing microsofts reveal and I would love it if it was more powerful then the ps4. I also think their 1st party line up is going to be a surprise (outside of Fable 4, which I'm terribly excited about).

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JayWood2010 said:
Chark said:
JayWood2010 said:

Do you know anything about hardware?  If not dont talk to me about it.  The OS is pretty much tied in with gaming now so itll likely be using at least 2gb at all times for the OS and like i said it is also sharing memory with the GPU.

It was a beautiful PR move at the sony conference because people dont know much about hardware.  As soon as someone said 8GB of RAM everybody is like !!!!!!  But in reality it isn't as good as it sounds.  Still though, if it is using 2-4gb of RAM Memory then that is up to 8x better the the PS3 which was using 256MB of RAM.

So you are taking 8GBs giving 2GB to the OS and 2-4GBs to the GPU where are the 2-4GBs you are leaving out?

The 2-4 left out is what would be used like RAM does in your computer. That would be the unshared part.

Thats not true at all, the PS4 ram is unified, not like the ps3s split memory between cpu and gpu. The 8GB in PS4 can dynamically be used by cpu and gpu.

2GB for the OS atleast? I'll be surprised it even manages to pass 1.5GB, OS footprint will get down over time just like on PS3.

Lafiel said:
eh? I rather have fun with games then watching people have meltdowns in forums ..

Look at my gamerscore......Ive played more than 300 games on 360 alone this gen

Still doesnt mean forums arent fun

JayWood2010 said:

Where did you guys think i was going with this?  I am just explaining what Shared Memory means, nothing else.

I don't know, it's just that you are downplaying the value/importance of the memory. Sure graphics cards and especially the one probably used in the PS4 are never going to fully use the RAM straight into graphics but that quanitity and at that quality is really important. The PS3 used 256mb/256mb for everything, OS, graphics, and otherwise. I think this is a big thing for game development and we will see what kind of effects it will have on if not the graphical performance, the development environment.

What GDDR5 means for the GPU is that it won't be limited by its bandwidth speed. So more of that 1.8 tflops is actually usable, resulting in much better games. Slower RAM would make it harder to access the power of the GPU or limit it entirely. Since the PS4 will be GPU heavy, this is great. A gaming PC would never crank out the power out of the PS4's GPU like a dedicated system will with minor customizations. So really we should be expecting the PS4 to run well above the established PC benchmarks for this hardware.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

I'll be here for the meltdowns if it does happen.

I'm sure Sony will announce something which will cause a few otherwise. Who knows what, though!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

RolStoppable said:
Proclus said:
RolStoppable said:

Don't see the relevance, Xbox and Wii are the competitors to the Playstation platform, not Valve.

Sorry really, like yours, everyday.

You need to think 100 percent literally.

It's a bit disturbing how you remembered his exact comment.