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NintendoPie said:
It would be funny to see anything that puts the PS4 in a dim light, really. Right now it's heralded as a god. :P

not really.  Seems like every time I say something positive about it I get shot down or doubted.  Apparently it's a crime to be excited for the first system from your favorite console manufacturer in 7 years.  I didn't treat the WiiU like this because even though I knew it wasn't a big leap compared to 360 and PS3 it was a big leap from the Wii.  MK, DKC, Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and (hopefully) Starfox in HD will be amazing.  People just like to get on Sony these days for some reason or act like their fans are touting things they aren't.  Most of the Sony fans I know and see on here like them for their exclusives and free online, yet everyone characterizes Sony fans as tech fanatics that will freak out if nextbox has better specs.  I seem to recall a great many Sony fans loving PS2 and it was the least powerful console of its gen.  Whatever I'm gonna enjoy 10 years (at least) of awesome PS4 titles and pick up a WiiU when it's around $200 on ebay and has all the games I listed (minus one or two maybe).

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