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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 has gone viral-27 million hits


How many views will it get?

10-15 million 62 10.95%
15-20 million 37 6.54%
20-25 million 60 10.60%
25-30 million 64 11.31%
30-35 million 56 9.89%
35-40 million 40 7.07%
40-45 million 29 5.12%
45-50 million 22 3.89%
55-60 million 62 10.95%
Over 9,000 million 133 23.50%

Past the 25m mark already? That was quick.

Around the Network

The PS4 is definitely peaking people's interest. And if you look at each company's Youtube page, it also shows the strength of the PS brand. I do have to give credit to Nintendo for passing MS in a much shorter time, though.

Xbox (created 10/31/05) - ~169K subs; ~40M views

Nintendo (created 1/25/11) - ~239K subs; ~84M views

Playstation (created 12/16/05) - ~808K subs; ~186M views

10-15 million

jsmoove said:
10-15 million

It's the effort that counts!

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

It was me guys. I confess. SCE pays me one penny per click from my three PCs and two tablets. I have been working hard for the past few days but it's worth my time. kaz rules. I can finally go on holidays. 

In Gods we trust. Dattebayo...

WiiU ID:         Aias23

Xbox360/XboxOne ID:  Aias23

3DS FC:         3737 9509 2938

Around the Network

Day One.

That is all.

Chark said:
jsmoove said:
10-15 million

It's the effort that counts!

hahaha yeah XD

Add another million view in two days. This video is on fire!

Chark said:
jsmoove said:
10-15 million

It's the effort that counts!

Votes for sub 25 million are at 139 right now. Thanks to his post I'm interested in seeing if this number actually goes up lol

Looks like it's starting to slow down. At 26.4M+, now. I think it will end up ~30-35M. That is unless E3 and/or the reveal of the actual console and more games starts boosting it, again.