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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hacked... why is no one covering this?

damn sony fanboys damage controlling for something that happened in 2011? lmao!!

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iceland said:
damn sony fanboys damage controlling for something that happened in 2011? lmao!!

Hardly damage control. Pointing out the glaring differences how fanbases handle similar situations. Try not to call people fanboys too

amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

I agree :) At the same time don't you think this thread about saying that Microsoft his hdding the fact that they got hacked and are doing some damage control is kind of pointless? For 4 hours of outage this guy is trying is just teasing for flamewars here.

If I locked every thread that I thought was pointless, we would have a lot less threads.  

Lol you got me on that ahah :)

Imaginedvl said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

I agree :) At the same time don't you think this thread about saying that Microsoft his hdding the fact that they got hacked and are doing some damage control is kind of pointless? For 4 hours of outage this guy is trying is just teasing for flamewars here.

If I locked every thread that I thought was pointless, we would have a lot less threads.  

Lol you got me on that ahah :)

Also, that would obviously be double standards. Like it or not MS got hacked. If this thread got locked then EVERY thread about the PSN hack should have been locked.

its pretty pointless to blame that "fanbase" made look like the psn hack was worse while every mainstream media was reporting it as one of the biggest hack ever affecting 77 million users.. even to a point that goverment official asking questions.. it even has his own wikipage..

but yeah.. they must be MS fans..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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NiKKoM said:
its pretty pointless to blame that "fanbase" made look like the psn hack was worse while every mainstream media was reporting it as one of the biggest hack ever affecting 77 million users.. even to a point that goverment official asking questions.. it even has his own wikipage..

but yeah.. they must be MS fans..

Those reports werover a week after the hack happened. The ones on this website posting non stop threads about it before we even knew what you posted were the MS fanbase... so yeah... they were MS fans

Max King of the Wild said:
NiKKoM said:
its pretty pointless to blame that "fanbase" made look like the psn hack was worse while every mainstream media was reporting it as one of the biggest hack ever affecting 77 million users.. even to a point that goverment official asking questions.. it even has his own wikipage..

but yeah.. they must be MS fans..

Those reports werover a week after the hack happened. The ones on this website posting non stop threads about it before we even knew what you posted were the MS fanbase... so yeah... they were MS fans

please point to these threads.. I can only remember Psn being down.. people speculating because there was no info from sony  and then the shit went down
when it was a hack and they leaked our personal information..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Because sony is doomed and microsoft not.Simply.

This isn't a direct hit against Xbox Live or anything it was against some computers in Microsoft which brings us to the Point that this thread is pointless right now until you get more info. (Remember that Apple, twitter and facebook has been hacked this month and none of those have confirmed anything about any personal info being taken.

As for Azure there is no point in bringing it up into the discussion since it's a certificate problem which I suppose Xbox live relies on in some part.
It's pretty ridicolous of how many threads have been made this week about "all things bad MS things"

Besides as for threads being made before Sony made anything official is there any point in doing the same thing in a completely different situation where MS already said nothing was taken(Apple, twitter and Facebook too)???


MonstaMack said:
All the big ones got hacked except Google.

That's why I couldn't access my cloud saves last night/early this morning.
Also Halo 4 servers were down.

and nintendo... oh wait