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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hacked... why is no one covering this?

Darc Requiem said:
pezus said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

Ouch. Worst punishment ever

You obviously haven't seen Pluto Nash. You are a lucky bastard. Wish I could say the same...

I can thankfully say I havent seen either of those... unfortunately I have seen Gigli....

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Everything gets hack all the time. Facebook, Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, Twitter, heck even VGC I suppose. But when there's not a mass attack (like the PSN) or it doesn't involved the final users and their personal info is not at risk then most people simple don't care, and in all honesty there's no reason for them to be. That's something the company or web owner should be concerned about. I bet most people who do this hacks are just lammers.

Hacking have become a normal part of society, I sometimes do it as hobby (but as an ethical hacker).

Nintendo and PC gamer

MB1025 said:
Deyon said:

Only the second link. ;) You should read it. if you want more tell me and i'll link you to other horrendous stories.

Agan. The company itself wasn't hacked. A person's account was. Just like all those other links you will give me will have stories about it. There is a difference between hacking in to a company and obtaining all their customers information and hacking someones account/email and getting their information.

Whats the difference? At the end the consumer will get his information/money stolen.

Microsoft has done nothing to fix this problem. ever since the 360 launched i've been hearing about XBL accounts/information (money) getting stolen. Sony spent millions of dollars to prevent the same thing to happen to them after that ONE hack!

Your turn.

osed125 said:

Everything gets hack all the time. Facebook, Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, Twitter, heck even VGC I suppose. But when there's not a mass attack (like the PSN) or it doesn't involved the final users and their personal info is not at risk then most people simple don't care, and in all honesty there's no reason for them to be. That's something the company or web owner should be concerned about. I bet most people who do this hacks are just lammers.

Hacking have become a normal part of society, I sometimes do it as hobby (but as an ethical hacker).

Obvioously, the US government even gets hacked. However, before we even knew the extent of the hack. Before we even knew consumer info was taken these threads blew up over it. At first it was PS3 users asking if anyone else was having problems. Then the next day it was reported a hack. It wasn't till a week later that we knew information was taken. Also, MS says they don't think info was taken which is exactly what Sony said during the week.

Max King of the Wild said:
osed125 said:

Everything gets hack all the time. Facebook, Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, Twitter, heck even VGC I suppose. But when there's not a mass attack (like the PSN) or it doesn't involved the final users and their personal info is not at risk then most people simple don't care, and in all honesty there's no reason for them to be. That's something the company or web owner should be concerned about. I bet most people who do this hacks are just lammers.

Hacking have become a normal part of society, I sometimes do it as hobby (but as an ethical hacker).

Obvioously, the US government even gets hacked. However, before we even knew the extent of the hack. Before we even knew consumer info was taken these threads blew up over it. At first it was PS3 users asking if anyone else was having problems. Then the next day it was reported a hack. It wasn't till a week later that we knew information was taken. Also, MS says they don't think info was taken which is exactly what Sony said during the week.

Then we just have to wait a few days to see if the hackers manage to get personal info.

BTW, lol @ the second comment on that article. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

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pezus said:
MB1025 said:

In order for their to be damage controle something needs to be damaged. Last I checked Microsoft isn't giving away old free games yet.

First time this has been used in a negative

Well everyone already owns Halo and CoD...There isn't a real reason to give away those cause what would people do with a 2nd version of those games?
Sony has a lot more to give away

Double standard
Its like Apple is untouchable in the USA and is using the law and the preference for them to sue the crap out of others even if they are wrong.
Outside of the USA they couldn't do that and would lose every case.
The whole thing with Samsung for example - "Oh its apple - They are probably right - we love our Apple Products" and after they had to look really into it Samsung didn't have to pay crap and now is trolling Apple with higher producing costs and all those nice things for the Apple Products SAMSUNG is producing for them ;)
The US Media would never ever say something against 2 of their biggest and well known companies.Its like all the crimes that are getting downplayed just to cover the face and the façade of the good and being always right.

there is absolutely no evidence that credit card information was stolen master chief.. the reason why no one posts stuff like this is because it is on a smaller scale not influencing potentially all costumers.. also this type of thing has happened so many times to microsoft now that it is nothing new. mostly it is just loopholes that target the users directly. remember the fifa exploit last year?

Microsoft live users are very protected.

amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

I agree :) At the same time don't you think this thread about saying that Microsoft his hdding the fact that they got hacked and are doing some damage control is kind of pointless? For 4 hours of outage this guy is trying is just teasing for flamewars here.

Imaginedvl said:
amp316 said:
Imaginedvl said:
Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

I am going to let this slide because you are saying that it is "making" people look like idiots.  Still, please refrain from being disrespectful to other members in this way or I will force you to watch Norbit.  We don't want that, do we?

I agree :) At the same time don't you think this thread about saying that Microsoft his hdding the fact that they got hacked and are doing some damage control is kind of pointless? For 4 hours of outage this guy is trying is just teasing for flamewars here.

If I locked every thread that I thought was pointless, we would have a lot less threads.  

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