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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hacked... why is no one covering this?

Oh no... PS4 hacked before it reaches shelves? Thanks, I know what I wont be buying now.

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BasilZero said:
Damn PS4 got hacked? We dont even know how it looks like!

My subconcious of how excited I am is showing thanks for pointing it out

MB1025 said:
There is a clear difference between this and what happened to Sony. Anyone thinking of using this as ammunition down the line I suggest you take my advice and not use it. You will only look like a moron for doing so.

XboxLive gets hacked A LOT.

LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

Deyon said:
MB1025 said:
There is a clear difference between this and what happened to Sony. Anyone thinking of using this as ammunition down the line I suggest you take my advice and not use it. You will only look like a moron for doing so.

XboxLive gets hacked A LOT.

Before I even click the links is this the story about people clicking links in their email and giving their information away?

Because again there is clearly a difference there as well.

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Agree with MB1025.. Calling this a hack (when people is "giving" away their information because of email scam) is really making you look like idiots...

Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

One company had credit card and personal information compromised. ANd their online service was down for around a month give or take. Not to mention how poorly it was handled by Sony with the vague information people were getting all while worried about their information.

On the flip side nothing was taken from Microsoft and no ones personal information was compromised. Also Live was effected for a few hours.


Yeah I don't see a difference there at all.

MB1025 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

One company had credit card and personal information compromised. ANd their online service was down for around a month give or take. Not to mention how poorly it was handled by Sony with the vague information people were getting all while worried about their information.

On the flip side nothing was taken from Microsoft and no ones personal information was compromised. Also Live was effected for a few hours.


Yeah I don't see a difference there at all.

We didn't know personal information was stolen for a week. However, we got the threads blowing up about it. Also we dont know if no information was taken. Ms is saying the exact samething Sony said.... yet we got threads immediatly afterward. so yeah... dddddddd damage control

Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

That's because their IS a difference between a event that's happended to several big companies lately which are only disruptive and something that exposes private information, use your well earned common sense, comparing these two occasions (Funny you picked up specifically on this now, yet didn't care when it happended to Apple and co...) is ridiculous.

Proclus said:
Max King of the Wild said:
LOL at the people saying there is a difference. There was a blow up immediatly after it happened.

That's because their IS a difference between a event that's happended to several big companies lately which are only disruptive and something that exposes private information, use your well earned common sense, comparing these two occasions (Funny you picked up specifically on this now, yet didn't care when it happended to Apple and co...) is ridiculous.

lol, because the news just told me about ms but damage control like a beast