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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will the 360 lose to PS3 and Wii because of its lineup?

daactualfact said:
All the consoles have good games, that's why i bought them. But one thing has got me wondering, will 360 lose because of it's lack of diversity? Ps3 games range from shooters to rpgs and so on. Wii also has a great wideranging lineup in 2008, though it's lacking a little in the shooter department. 360 has got a dumpster truckload of shooters!! (cod4, army of 2, halo3, cod3,) many more than just that. Do you think if microsoft doen't do like sony and nintendo and put diversity in their lineup for 360 they will lose this gen? (I personally think the only diverse game in the 360's 08 lineup is gta4 but i may be missing some.) discuss

theres so many flaws in the original post... all of those shooters except for halo are on the ps3 too... ps3 has 3 potentially AAA exclusive shooters coming out this year.. it also has exclusive JRpgs coming out along with others that came out on the 360 last year that didnt sell... ps3 lineup is still aiming to be very diverse and probably will be alot better at it than MS...


the shooters will help gain marketshare In america and europe... jrpgs will boost sales in japan

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

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The 360 will lose because of Japan. You cant expect to do well with only 2 of the 3 markets. Even if it had some place in Japan, still in third but with decent sales, it would end up 2nd in the race. But Japan, and the slipping Europe to PS3 will seal 360 as last place.

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the 360 will loose a lot of ground this mainly because i think most of its fan base is more into shooters...and with no good shooters coming out this year,it will lose a lot of ground to the ps3 and wii,that said the 360 owners who love rpgs and others things will probably be enjoying themselves just fine this year.But they have very few blockbuster brand names this year that will not move systems.



RolStoppable said:

At the moment I don't see any big difference in the diversity of the lineups for the 360 and PS3. Both systems seem to be largely focused on FPS, sports, racing and action games. Microsoft has to fund projects of Japanese developers to get some diversity, while Sony gets some different games because they were marketleader for two consecutive generations and 3rd parties assumed it would stay this way.

This advantage for Sony is shrinking due to their sluggish hardware sales, so they soon will be in a similar situation as Microsoft where they have to spend money to motivate 3rd parties to bring some diversity to their library. 

On top of that the 360 and PS3 share the majority of 3rd party games. The 360 has more games due to the 1 year headstart and in the future most games will remain multiplatform, so this advantage of the 360 will be kept intact.

Logically, if the 360 were going to lose to the PS3 it won't be because of the diversity in the lineups. It will be because of the PS3's better brandname in Japan and Europe. Most people in these regions pick up a PS3 over a 360 simply because they are used to play their games on Playstation systems.

BINGO  which we're already starting to  see happening

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

i think 360 has a more diverse library this year so i dont think it will lose cause of its library

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it's not that its line up is bad. i think its pretty decent.

its the appeal to other regions besides America which will decide whether or not the 360 will sell well this year.
that's its biggest problem

Damstr8 said:
the 360 will loose a lot of ground this mainly because i think most of its fan base is more into shooters...and with no good shooters coming out this year,it will lose a lot of ground to the ps3 and wii,that said the 360 owners who love rpgs and others things will probably be enjoying themselves just fine this year.But they have very few blockbuster brand names this year that will not move systems.

but how many of that fan base is shooter based thats the question?? i would say a majority..  look at blue dragon and eternal sonata... those sales were horrible... im interested to see how lost oddysee does... very interested... companies arent gonna let microsoft keep buying exclusive jRpg's at the expense of game sales... i bet eternal sonata does better on ps3

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

It will lose cause

- its mostly a console for shooters (sales prove this)
- its a defective pos with poor reliability and consumers now know it.
- 360 blew its software load in 07, it cant compete with the PS3 in 08
- BR has become the next format of choice , bolstering PS3s image and value.
- Sony has Killzone Resistance Socom to seriously challenge 360 for the shooter fanbase.

Bonafide732 said:
i had a conversion with some co workers yersterday.. to make a long convo short.. bascically they believe ps3 has no games... so as long as people believe the 360 has more games it will be fine... their only complaints were the RROD which had them thinking on moving on to a ps3.....

yes as long as people "think" it has more games it will be fine.. .i've run into people like this too who believed it will die out etc etc.. all those people will be converted to Play Beyond later this year... thats why the ps3 is selling lower in the U.S, market there are alot of false stories out there .. but it will win them over and when it does woooooo oooo

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

I think that Grand Theft Auto 4 will decide how things play out between the PS3 and 360 in 2008. Microsoft is apparently planning a massive ad campaign and will try to do to that series what they did with Madden 08, give people a reason to choose their version of the game over the competition's. Add in a price drop and it will be interesting to see if Sony will be able to have yet another of their own (if they do then it's doubtful they will see profit from the PS3 for quite awhile).