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Forums - Website Topics - can i use these pictures as my avatar

can somebody please tell me if these pictures are ok to use?

please the list the good ones first - ones that i can use

and then list the ones that i cant use






i know these pictures are too big i was planning to resize the images. but i just needed to know before i post one of these pictures as my avatar cuz i dont want to get banned

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Yes. Yes you can.

This thread gets my Official Seal of Approval.

I personally prefer the first one.

What is the obsession people have with putting half-naked chicks in their avatars? I'm looking at you Okey and ItsaMii....not to mention Grandmaster Boobs.

Are you hoping for profile hits, do you think people will argue less with you, or are you just wanting someone to pm you for late night chat.

I'm mostly being facetious here, but the whole concept confuses me.

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Sure you can use them
Those pictures might even help you with your Profile views

super_etecoon said:

I'm mostly being facetious here, but the whole concept confuses me.

Go with the second. The first looks like she's trying a little hard and the third one is just bad.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Ill have to go with door number 3..

AKA, Jessica Alba's lovely bootay.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ya the second is the best.