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Forums - General Discussion - The Official LGBTA Thread - Supreme Court rules for Marriage Equality

Tom3k said:
Icy-Zone said:

Laws against beastiality began surfacing in many states in the 21st century (past ten years). Who gives us a right to judge those that partake in these acts. It's funny how when it comes to gay rights everyone seems to rally behind them, but when it comes to other people's rights, we deny them and instead throw them in penitentiary. Gays judge people as well, and when someone calls them out on their own differences, they say that you're a a bigot and rude. Such a double standard.

If you're so caught up on bestiality at least spell it right. Sexuality is not black and white... People are sexual, some ar hetero, other are bi, some are gay, and some are even asexual. But each one of those groups does what they do with consenting adults.

If you think that homosexuality is the same thing as raping a child or an animal... Than something is clearly wrong with you... Age of consent is not a number that lawmakers simply scribbled on the paper. It's the age when "child" becomes young adult in terms of intelectual, emotional and sexual maturity. And if animal in heat humps on your leg, that doesn't mean that he's attracted to you.

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

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Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

And rules based on what "the mayority" think it is right embrace chaos, not order based upon the freedom of speech and mind.

Wright said:
Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

And rules based on what "the mayority" think it is right embrace chaos, not order based upon the freedom of speech and mind.

I'm sure the majority of the world would not accept homosexuality. That doesn't really help your case.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!                                                                                     

Icy-Zone said:
Wright said:
Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

And rules based on what "the mayority" think it is right embrace chaos, not order based upon the freedom of speech and mind.

I'm sure the majority of the world would not accept homosexuality. That doesn't really help your case.

There was a time where the majority of people though science was something related to the Devil. Trust me, with the times, the mentality changes.

So, umm, am I understanding correctly that this Icy guy with the woman with the fat ass in his avatar is really comparing gays to pedophiles..?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Cheebee said:
So, umm, am I understanding correctly that this Icy guy with the woman with the fat ass in his avatar is really comparing gays to pedophiles..?

- The man with the Santa Claus-Wright in his avvy wondered.

Wright said:
Icy-Zone said:
Wright said:
Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

And rules based on what "the mayority" think it is right embrace chaos, not order based upon the freedom of speech and mind.

I'm sure the majority of the world would not accept homosexuality. That doesn't really help your case.

There was a time where the majority of people though science was something related to the Devil. Trust me, with the times, the mentality changes.

And if the trend continues, would you be okay with the mentality changing on those who partake in bestiality and pedophelia?

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!                                                                                     

Icy-Zone said:

And if the trend continues, would you be okay with the mentality changing on those who partake in bestiality and pedophelia?

I can't speak about pedophilia because it's not a subject I'm into, but I can say that when it is totally legal and normal to sacrifice animals or even castrate your own pet (And I seriously doubt the animals give their consent for this), yet it is inmoral and a sin to sleep with your dog (Let's assume you're the passive in this, so that we could say the dog is giving his/her consent Am I really explaining this?? xDD), then you've gotta admit this is a very hypocrital society.

Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

Different parts of world have different religions and thus different sets of morals. In muslim world  for stealing bread they'll cut your arm off...

The "line" is drawn. And it's called consent. A child is not sexually, emotionally, intelectually mature to give consent to sexual intercourse. You can be attracted to whom ever you wish to, you cannot change that but you can change if you're going to rape someone or not.


And your bolded. That thought goes against 2nd law of thermodynamics. 

Tom3k said:
Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

Different parts of world have different religions and thus different sets of morals. In muslim world  for stealing bread they'll cut your arm off...

The "line" is drawn. And it's called consent. A child is not sexually, emotionally, intelectually mature to give consent to sexual intercourse. You can be attracted to whom ever you wish to, you cannot change that but you can change if you're going to rape someone or not.


And your bolded. That thought goes against 2nd law of thermodynamics. 

Consent is defined by law. Laws change all the time. If you're willing to see gay marriage in the future as a result to changed laws, would you be willing to accept pedophilia as well? There are some under the age of consent that act more mature than people over the age of consent.

And all life in general goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Cellular organization and homeostasis within the body, from otherwise random atoms and molecules, supports this.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

Get your Portable ID!