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Tom3k said:
Icy-Zone said:

Laws against beastiality began surfacing in many states in the 21st century (past ten years). Who gives us a right to judge those that partake in these acts. It's funny how when it comes to gay rights everyone seems to rally behind them, but when it comes to other people's rights, we deny them and instead throw them in penitentiary. Gays judge people as well, and when someone calls them out on their own differences, they say that you're a a bigot and rude. Such a double standard.

If you're so caught up on bestiality at least spell it right. Sexuality is not black and white... People are sexual, some ar hetero, other are bi, some are gay, and some are even asexual. But each one of those groups does what they do with consenting adults.

If you think that homosexuality is the same thing as raping a child or an animal... Than something is clearly wrong with you... Age of consent is not a number that lawmakers simply scribbled on the paper. It's the age when "child" becomes young adult in terms of intelectual, emotional and sexual maturity. And if animal in heat humps on your leg, that doesn't mean that he's attracted to you.

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

"Common sense is not so common." - Voltaire

Platinumed Destiny, Vanquish, Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, Catherine, and Metal Gear Rising. Get on my level!!

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