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Icy-Zone said:

Different parts of the world have different ages of consent. There are pedophile groups that advocate for the decrease in age of consent and some even advocate for the complete abolishment. Why? Because they say that they're born with this predisposition to being attracted to those under the age of consent. They advocate the same way gays advocate for gay marriage. All I'm saying is that a line has to be drawn before we open up Pandora's box and Aleister Crowley's idea of "do what thou wilt" becomes a reality.

As a human being I wish for total order, not total chaos.

Different parts of world have different religions and thus different sets of morals. In muslim world  for stealing bread they'll cut your arm off...

The "line" is drawn. And it's called consent. A child is not sexually, emotionally, intelectually mature to give consent to sexual intercourse. You can be attracted to whom ever you wish to, you cannot change that but you can change if you're going to rape someone or not.


And your bolded. That thought goes against 2nd law of thermodynamics.