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Forums - General Discussion - The Official LGBTA Thread - Supreme Court rules for Marriage Equality

Cheebee said:
Tom3k said:
Majora said:
I really am glad Fedfed has told us all how many people he has slept with - he has made me feel so much better about myself lmao =P I really love that guy... <3

To be quite honest those numbers make me think that fedfed is one of those bug chasers/ gift givers.... :/

Oh dear. I actually had to google that. Gross. People actually do that? 'O_o
That's highly disturbing.

People...people do many, many things. xD

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Majora said:

There's no better feeling than being in a loving happy and stable relationship =] sex is wonderful for a thrill but nothing beats that feeling of being in love and being loved. It lasts for always if it's real.

I think that goes for anyone really, gay, straight, bi anything even animals but hey thats what we are. 

Muffin31190 said:
Majora said:

There's no better feeling than being in a loving happy and stable relationship =] sex is wonderful for a thrill but nothing beats that feeling of being in love and being loved. It lasts for always if it's real.

I think that goes for anyone really, gay, straight, bi anything even animals but hey thats what we are. 

Yeah anyone can feel that but a lot of people especially these days regardless of orientation seem to prefer this single life where they have sex with random people. It's just not what I personally want

Majora said:
Muffin31190 said:
Majora said:

There's no better feeling than being in a loving happy and stable relationship =] sex is wonderful for a thrill but nothing beats that feeling of being in love and being loved. It lasts for always if it's real.

I think that goes for anyone really, gay, straight, bi anything even animals but hey thats what we are. 

Yeah anyone can feel that but a lot of people especially these days regardless of orientation seem to prefer this single life where they have sex with random people. It's just not what I personally want

Yeah, i'm glad there are others who think this way. I have a BF and have been very happy with him for the last 5 years. It's our own fault people think of us as promiscuous, which is for a lot people seen as disgusting, men and women. I like to look at a beautiful man just as much as the next gay guy lol. But you don't have to have sex with everyone you can.

Not to say i am judging people who live this way. I just wish the gaypride wasn't full of gay men, and some women. The message gets lost when getting naked is the best thing you can do. I donno maybe i'm old fashioned :D

Somini said:

Yeah, i'm glad there are others who think this way. I have a BF and have been very happy with him for the last 5 years. It's our own fault people think of us as promiscuous, which is for a lot people seen as disgusting, men and women. I like to look at a beautiful man just as much as the next gay guy lol. But you don't have to have sex with everyone you can.

Not to say i am judging people who live this way. I just wish the gaypride wasn't full of gay men, and some women. The message gets lost when getting naked is the best thing you can do. I donno maybe i'm old fashioned :D

I don't think that gay men are sluttier, than the breeders. Just the public perception of a gay guy = "one that takes it up the arse". They define "gay" with sex. I know gay guys and couples that don't actually enjoy "anal", but I as well know straight guys that do enjoy it. So that type of sex isn't exclusive to gay men. Just look at gay porn... Bunch of "straight" boys doing gay for pay. 

And of course fact that all dating sites that cater to gay population are actually hook-up sites isn't helping that image either. Grindr, Jack'd, Scruff, Mister, Romeo... and many, many more. Sure not all guys on those sites are after sex, there are few that are trying to find someone "genuine" and those sites are their only door into gay community. But finding those individuals sometimes is like trying to find a Unicorn in enchanted forest. Not to mantion the sheer number of "straight" guys of all ages and shapes, that along with their wifes enjoy a bit "man on man" action... if it's discreet of cours *rolleyes*

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axumblade said:
Going to update the list tomorrow most likely. I've been sick the past few days so I haven't really been able to do much on the site. :/

Aw, really? Who did you catch this sickness from? :(

axumblade said:

Ahem. I believe we're referring to this as the NintendoPie epidemic of 2013. Last year you just infected peoples avatars, this time you're actually giving them the flu! :(

I wonder what next year will be like...

Anywho, I don't have the flu. My doctor wasn't able to diagnose me. :(

NintendoPie said:
axumblade said:

Ahem. I believe we're referring to this as the NintendoPie epidemic of 2013. Last year you just infected peoples avatars, this time you're actually giving them the flu! :(

I wonder what next year will be like...

Anywho, I don't have the flu. My doctor wasn't able to diagnose me. :(

S you're saying you've given us something even worse than the flu! You're evil!

Signature goes here!

How is Nintendo Pie getting all of the gay guys sick?


Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Eternal said:
Indeed ewww...

I don't mean to get ban but don't you think putting your stuff in someone others anus is unnatural? I know answer to that,it is.That is hole from where shit comes out and it is so wrong to drill something in there.Just sayin'

So you're straight right?  Seriously, fukk your girlfriend in the ass sometime, if you aren't doing it, you're missing out, mate.  She'll enjoy the variety, and the asshole is tighter, anyway.