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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "Oh Yay, Another Mario Game" Step Up to PlayStation 2/20

KHlover said:
PScollector said:
So its fan there are alot of Butthurt Nintendo fans in here.

And a lot of Playstation fans were butthurt when MS called the Xbox360 the better console or stated that most gamers weren't aware of the Playstation Meeting at the 20th. People tend to get offended when something they like is attacked :)

Well said.

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Max King of the Wild said:
Jay520 said:
Wow this thread became huge. Can someone give me an unbiased summary of what's going on here?

I lot of butthurt. For some reason a lot of people think this is similar to MS PR saying they are the better entertainment machine. They also think there is a bunch of hypocrisy from the PS fanbase because they think they would react a different way if Nintendo said something bad about a sony game.

Thank you for this summary. Since I'm not reading through this entire thread, I must trust that this summary is fair and unbiased.

Carl2291 said:
RazorDragon said:

Some are DD games, and you probably haven't heard of them because most people spread that Nintendo = Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and somehow everyone who hears that automatically belive those people and don't care to look which games Nintendo actually produces.


And, of course, Steel Diver is an AAA game! Do you know how much it costs to create submarines with missiles?

How many of them are DD games? Tell me. Please. I might not know of them because Nintendo give them bare minimum advertising and spend the majority of the budget on 3, maybe 4 Mario games a Year.

Look at how well Fire Emblem has done with a bit of attention from Nintendo. Imagine how well Xenoblade would have done if it had a Quarter of the ad budget that a Mario game gets... And if NoA actually wanted to release it instead of Wii Play: Motion.

We get it. Games with the Mario name on them sell well. If Steel Diver was "Mario Diver", it would have probably doubled in sales and hit the Million. The question that needs to be asked though is this - With the Billions made in the last 5 Years, why wont Nintendo push it into big new IP? If Nintendo really wanted the core market from PS360, then why arent they pushing the boundaries? I think its laziness, or lack of imagination or originality coming from the higher ups.

On my list, the DD games are: X-Scape, Aura-Aura Climber, Pinball Pulse, Starship Defense, Dillon's Rolling Western, Sakura Samurai, Art Academy, Pushmo , Ketzal's Corridors and  Fluidity. The first 5 are for DSiWare, and the others for 3DSWare, except for Fluidity, which was first released on WiiWare.


And, why would Nintendo push it into big(i imagine you're talking sales and cost-wise) IPs if the big IPs they already have sell more than enough? I personally prefer that Nintendo keeps investing in smaller, quality new IPs and quality revivals, than to blow up all their money into new CoDs or generic FPSs, games which the quality decreases after every new installment.

Jay520 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Jay520 said:
Wow this thread became huge. Can someone give me an unbiased summary of what's going on here?

I lot of butthurt. For some reason a lot of people think this is similar to MS PR saying they are the better entertainment machine. They also think there is a bunch of hypocrisy from the PS fanbase because they think they would react a different way if Nintendo said something bad about a sony game.

Thank you for this summary. Since I'm not reading through this entire thread, I must trust that this summary is fair and unbiased.

There are also some people disagreeing who are reasonable too. I should include that. But for the most part it was people saying "hahaha funny good job sony" and then it was people trying to call sony fans out.

NintendoPie said:
Carl2291 said:

How many of them are DD games? Tell me. Please. I might not know of them because Nintendo give them bare minimum advertising and spend the majority of the budget on 3, maybe 4 Mario games a Year.

Look at how well Fire Emblem has done with a bit of attention from Nintendo. Imagine how well Xenoblade would have done if it had a Quarter of the ad budget that a Mario game gets... And if NoA actually wanted to release it instead of Wii Play: Motion.

We get it. Games with the Mario name on them sell well. If Steel Diver was "Mario Diver", it would have probably doubled in sales and hit the Million. The question that needs to be asked though is this - With the Billions made in the last 5 Years, why wont Nintendo push it into big new IP? If Nintendo really wanted the core market from PS360, then why arent they pushing the boundaries? I think its laziness, or lack of imagination or originality coming from the higher ups.

It's not laziness. And if you think Sony don't do this then you are kiding yourself, Carl. Every company does things that make them money.

Besides, Retro (part of Nintendo) is making a new IP. Things are going on in Nintendo's HeadQuarters that we just don't know about yet, and maybe they'll tell us these things at E3 this year.

It is laziness. Its being over-reliant on Mario. Just like Sony were over-reliant on 3rd parties. Microsoft are over-reliant on Halo... (Theyre doing something about this). Its why Nintendo havent come up with a character or universe that can match Mario, Zelda, Metroid or Kirby (The usual 4) in sales and quality.

Sony created a bunch of new games. Uncharted. Resistance. Motorstorm. inFamous. LittleBigPlanet. Heavenly Sword. Heavy Rain. New IPs with money behind them. They didnt make a new GT every 6 Months. They didnt make Unkarted. They didnt release Uncharted Party. They didnt release Uncharted Tennis. They arent about to release Uncharted Sticker Star. They dont have Super Uncharted RPG in the works and they sure as hell arent going to be making Super Princess Elena.

Sony in 2013 already have The Last of Us and Beyond to add to those new IPs. Sony spent some money and its paying off. Microsoft are spending a fuck ton of money strengthening the 1st party options...

And Nintendo are releasing Mario games. If you wsnt proof of Nintendos over-reliance on Mario, then look at the Wii Us launch. They thought and expected that Mario would carry them through to the Summer...


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Carl2291 said:

It is laziness. Its being over-reliant on Mario. Just like Sony were over-reliant on 3rd parties. Microsoft are over-reliant on Halo... (Theyre doing something about this). Its why Nintendo havent come up with a character or universe that can match Mario, Zelda, Metroid or Kirby (The usual 4) in sales and quality.

Sony created a bunch of new games. Uncharted. Resistance. Motorstorm. inFamous. LittleBigPlanet. Heavenly Sword. Heavy Rain. New IPs with money behind them. They didnt make a new GT every 6 Months. They didnt make Unkarted. They didnt release Uncharted Party. They didnt release Uncharted Tennis. They arent about to release Uncharted Sticker Star. They dont have Super Uncharted RPG in the works and they sure as hell arent going to be making Super Princess Elena.

Sony in 2013 already have The Last of Us and Beyond to add to those new IPs. Sony spent some money and its paying off. Microsoft are spending a fuck ton of money strengthening the 1st party options...

And Nintendo are releasing Mario games. If you wsnt proof of Nintendos over-reliance on Mario, then look at the Wii Us launch. They thought and expected that Mario would carry them through to the Summer...

Sony did release LBP Karting. Sony did release several Uncharted's. Like I said, all of the companies do this.

You can't pick out Mario because that's what you see a lot, no freaking duh it's what you see a lot. It's what works for them, it's what sells for them, and for many people Mario is why they buy Nintendo consoles.

Nintendo are catering to a large crowd with these Mario offerings. You're right, though, Sony won't release Uncharted Sticker Star, it wouldn't work. But guess who it does work for? Nintendo.

And let me ask you this, do you think Pokemon is milked? Maybe you do, but you still really like Pokemon, right? Is there a problem with that? Heck no! Nintendo and The Pokemon Co. are catering to your tastes, that's why you like it and that's why you keep coming back. Do you see me buying up all the Uncharted games that Sony has released? No. That's because I don't like it. And thats where many people get it wrong. It's our own opinion. And many, many people have the opinion that they want more and more Mario. So Nintendo provides it. 

But I do agree with you on some points. I never thought that releasing just NSMBU was a good idea. Nintendo does need more than Mario, but this just brings me back to my point about catering to different crowds.

(Sorry if that was a mish-mash to read, I just threw everything I pretty much had in that post. )

lurkerwithnosoul said:
Raze said:
"Oh yay another Mario game - wait for more sequel announcements from us too!" - Sony =D

"Look, another Halol, why don't you have a peak in our newest game, Halolzone 5" 2/20 (this is actually the game's score)

Halol? Is this a variant or a pun on Halo?

Any which way, its agreed. The industry has stagnated horribly last gen, and the few original IPs disappeared due to studio closures. I believe the game industry is headed for a major slump this/next gen. Signs are evident with the lack of demand for Wii U, its expected for Sony and MS offerings too. I don't think it'll be a game industry crash outright, but the numbers for all consoles are going to be considerably lower for the PS4/720/Wii U gen.

The Carnival of Shadows - Folk Punk from Asbury Park, New Jersey 

Reply in the Neogaf thread is pure ether:

"This means they've done more advertising for a Mario game than the new Sly."


ToraTiger said:
Lafiel said:
ToraTiger said:
Whoa, Sony. WHOA! That's some haterade right der!

what's wrong with pointing out that there have been 2 trillion mario games?

Mario sure has sold a lot.

yes, if you add all the mario themed games together it's by far the biggest gaming franchise - yet, personally I very much prefer diversity in art direction and general atmosphere of games, which is what mario themed games don't deliver

and even the best dish may lose it's taste if it's served too many times

as a playstation and nintendo fan I find myself suffering from severe anxiety attacks lately.