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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you think SE will watch the sales of Lost Odyssey in the US?

Ari_Gold said:
Darkjor said:
Ari_Gold said:
who cares if square-enix does not make games on the 360, they haven't made a GREAT game in a while, since dragon quest 8.

And they didn't even make it, it was level 5. Seriously Square Enix is on decline when it come to quality but their franchises still sell a lot.

exactly , i'm more hyped that atlus is supporting the 360, than overhyped S-E

Sadly enough, I feel that way about 90% of the JRPG developers around now. I have a hard time staying interested after playing WRPGs heavily the past few years. I'm addicted to choice.

Still, I'll end up checking out Lost Odyssey to see what it's all about and my wife really enjoyed Blue Dragon. 

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Multiplat FFXIII *laughs* i guess dev's saying games are exclusive over and over again means nothing these days...

Square has said previously that they want to make more profits in the North American market. So with the 360 the most dominant console in that market, I'd expect to see less and less exclusives from them.

- Last Remnant is multi-plat
- I also think they're the producer/publisher for Infinite Undiscovery (360 exclusive)
- Now word of a new MMO coming to 360.

rocketpig said:
Ari_Gold said:
Darkjor said:
Ari_Gold said:
who cares if square-enix does not make games on the 360, they haven't made a GREAT game in a while, since dragon quest 8.

And they didn't even make it, it was level 5. Seriously Square Enix is on decline when it come to quality but their franchises still sell a lot.

exactly , i'm more hyped that atlus is supporting the 360, than overhyped S-E

Sadly enough, I feel that way about 90% of the JRPG developers around now. I have a hard time staying interested after playing WRPGs heavily the past few years. I'm addicted to choice.

Still, I'll end up checking out Lost Odyssey to see what it's all about and my wife really enjoyed Blue Dragon.

 blue dragon was great, you should also play eternal sonata, its sooo darn good... i believe Lost Odyssey will be the best RPG of 08 on current-gen consoles. 

Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of BD too and thought it was a decent game.

The voice acting could have used some work, though.

And by "could have used a little work", I really mean "was f***ing terrible". 

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rocketpig said:

Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of BD too and thought it was a decent game.

The voice acting could have used some work, though.

And by "could have used a little work", I really mean "was f***ing terrible".

 yes, thats why i play my jrpgs on japanese

Fumanchu said:
Square has said previously that they want to make more profits in the North American market. So with the 360 the most dominant console in that market, I'd expect to see less and less exclusives from them.

- Last Remnant is multi-plat
- I also think they're the producer/publisher for Infinite Undiscovery (360 exclusive)
- Now word of a new MMO coming to 360.

That's just the thing though. Sure, the 360 has a larger INSTALL base in NA, but what about a bigger FAN base? You can look at the sales of RPGs (none of that "JRPG" crap) Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata, and see that those sold meh at best on the 360. The stereotype of "shooter box" didn't come out of nowhere, as those games, along with sports, sell the on the 360. NOT RPGs

Now, you look at the PS3 install base, and yes, it may not be as large as 360 in NA, but the FAN base for RPGs is MUCH higher. And then take into account the Japanese PS3 install/fan base, and then you realize that FFXIII on PS3 is all to sure to make SE boatloads of money.


well if it sells well i think they might consider to port FFXIII but i dont think they will

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I must be trippin, cause i think I already posted this but anyway

@ Topic

I doubt it because, correct me if I'm wrong, but the guy that directed LO was a dude that SE booted because they didn't like the direction he was taking FFV before it came out, or something like that

I think mistwalker will be more concerned with how badly their titles are performing on the 360..any idea when they can stop being tied down by the 360 and make games cross platform or are they voluntarily ruining themselves?

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