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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Challenge: Say one positive thing about the big-3 companies you favor less, as they are today

Turkish said:
richardhutnik said:

Sony has some really cool first-party IPs.  I am a fan of LittleBigPlanet, inFamous and Uncharted.  I also really like the backstory of the Killzone franchise.


I would add my dislike of Sony comes far more out of gloating internet fanboys who trolled against the likes of Sega, and put a seriously bad taste in my mouth than anything else.  Although the arrogance of the PS3 launch did add something to it.

I knew there would be one person in this thread adding a disclaimer like "my dislike comes from fanboys", stop. Its not about that. Don't start that argument again because everyone has their reasons why they hate fanboy group X or Y, you're not the only one so the little disclaimer you include is unnecessary.

So, it is off limits to preface where you come from in why one platform is less of interest than others?  The point of the preface is to say that it isn't the content why I ended up disliking Sony the most.  Why do you objct to my classifying why?

Around the Network

Microsoft - Party chat is one of the best things to come out of this gen.

Nintendo - Though they've had some missteps, Nintendo can create some amazing exclusives.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Nintendo : Without you guys gaming wouldn't be where it is 2day.

Mircosoft : Gears of war is great, and its good 2 have another company that helps push the limits of console gaming.


Check out my Youtube channel :

PScollector said:
Nintendo : Without you guys gaming wouldn't be where it is 2day.

Mircosoft : Gears of war is great, and its good 2 have another company that helps push the limits of console gaming.

@bold. What's good about them today?

I'm just going to write about seventh gen, if that's OK.

Microsoft: Made online gaming with friends easy, fun, and exciting. And supported the console with games that fit the model: Halo, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, etc. Best controller on the planet.

Nintendo: Made a commitment to local multiplayer, created a revolutionary controller, and provided players with a huge assortment of classic games via Virtual Console.

Sony: Wisely invested in studios with tons of creative talent resulting in a handsome library of first-party titles. Made typically hard-to-find PS1 games like Klonoa, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Symphony of the Night available for a pittance at the Playstation Store.

Around the Network

Microsoft are brilliant at advertising and Nintendo play nostalgia like no other company.


The PS5 Exists. 


richardhutnik said:
Turkish said:
richardhutnik said:

Sony has some really cool first-party IPs.  I am a fan of LittleBigPlanet, inFamous and Uncharted.  I also really like the backstory of the Killzone franchise.


I would add my dislike of Sony comes far more out of gloating internet fanboys who trolled against the likes of Sega, and put a seriously bad taste in my mouth than anything else.  Although the arrogance of the PS3 launch did add something to it.

I knew there would be one person in this thread adding a disclaimer like "my dislike comes from fanboys", stop. Its not about that. Don't start that argument again because everyone has their reasons why they hate fanboy group X or Y, you're not the only one so the little disclaimer you include is unnecessary.

So, it is off limits to preface where you come from in why one platform is less of interest than others?  The point of the preface is to say that it isn't the content why I ended up disliking Sony the most.  Why do you objct to my classifying why?

The thread isn't about your discontent, its about saying a positive aspect from the companies you least favor. We don't need to discuss this, keep your disclaimers to yourself or make a thread why you hate fanboy group X/Y.

sony: you guy's have a lot of exclusives
micrsoft: you're a great console for FPS fans
nintendo: you come up with some great innovative ideas for your consoles

Microsoft: Pretty good marketing and for making a system that's relatively easy to develop for.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS