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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Pics from Wii version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

totalwar23 said:
stof said:
I just love it how interested you are in the Wii version of this game Legend .

You mean he had an ULTERIOR motive in creating this thread?



So are these final screens, or just in development?

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

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Well, from what i know the game has still some 4 months of developement, so maybe we'll see a change up untili then. Not to mention that these pics might be actually from the PS2 and not the Wii. Who knows.

Deep into the darkness pearing

Long i stood there




The game was originally coming out for the 360/ps3/ps2/psp/ds.

It was announced for the Wii quite some time in to it's lifespan. So it's most obviously just the PS2 version ported over. There's really not too much to expect from this one.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

stof said:
I just love it how interested you are in the Wii version of this game Legend .

My apologies Stof.  After making a comment about the Wii version of the game in another thread and fkusumot seeming to believe I was trolling I felt like I needed vindication.  I shouldn't get so defensive and I actually do hope the Wii version turns out well since I'll pick up the game for my nephew (6 years old) if it does.

", the Wii version's developer, has programmed its own physics engine to handle all of the game's Force powers...and though these elements aren't quite as elaborate as the higher end consoles, they're still pretty impressive to see on the Wii system."

Physics that are "not quite as elaborate" --
PS2 graphics --

Being able to wield a lightsaber with the Wii-remote ++

I think that sums up the pro-contra for PS3/360 vs. Wii versions. The lightsaber thing is awesome but I think its a good thing that I have a PS3, the physic effects in this game are the main seller for me. (If the PS3 versions sucks again compared to the 360 I will not be a happy camper)

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Legend11 said:
stof said:
I just love it how interested you are in the Wii version of this game Legend .

My apologies Stof.  After making a comment about the Wii version of the game in another thread and fkusumot seeming to believe I was trolling I felt like I needed vindication.  I shouldn't get so defensive and I actually do hope the Wii version turns out well since I'll pick up the game for my nephew (6 years old) if it does.

That's one of the best apology / burns ever. Cheers!

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!

The graphics looks nice, and Light saber fights is something everybody is dreaming since the release of the first movie. I will probably get it.

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Those are horrible graphics, and I know the Wii can handle more.

Oh well, I will be getting this for PS3 anyway.

Controls will definately be make or break it in this game. Personally, I doubt the Wii version can compare at all to the PS3/360 version as far as looks and gameplay (what with the 'natural motion AI' and physics engine and stuff).
If I had a PS360 I'd get it for that instead for the storymode, but if the exclusive dual-mode is what we all want it to be and/or the controls are excellent, then this version could become the dominate seller.


Oh good heavens people! Really, it's been over a year since its release, are you still expecting the Wii to have as good of graphics as the PS3/XBox 360 version? Who, in their right mind, would claim that the Wii's version of ANY game is going to be graphically equal or superior to the PS3/360 version? Sheesh! Quit with the graphic whoring already. We get it. The Wii doesn't have as good of graphics on anything. NO DUH!!!! Did you miss the gazillion press releases all saying the same thing? Since many of you have apparently missed it: WE BOUGHT THE WII FOR ITS CONTROLS, NOT FOR ITS GRAPHICS.

The only way a Wii game will look "as good as" the PS3/360 version is if they do an awful job on the PS3/360 version. But I expect that even a PS3/360 version of Cruis'n would end up looking better on those consoles.