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Oh good heavens people! Really, it's been over a year since its release, are you still expecting the Wii to have as good of graphics as the PS3/XBox 360 version? Who, in their right mind, would claim that the Wii's version of ANY game is going to be graphically equal or superior to the PS3/360 version? Sheesh! Quit with the graphic whoring already. We get it. The Wii doesn't have as good of graphics on anything. NO DUH!!!! Did you miss the gazillion press releases all saying the same thing? Since many of you have apparently missed it: WE BOUGHT THE WII FOR ITS CONTROLS, NOT FOR ITS GRAPHICS.

The only way a Wii game will look "as good as" the PS3/360 version is if they do an awful job on the PS3/360 version. But I expect that even a PS3/360 version of Cruis'n would end up looking better on those consoles.