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Forums - General Discussion - ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I NOW HAVE 2000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On becoming a spammer..


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^ Aww that cat is so cute, your comment on the other hand...

Less capital letters and exclamation marks in thread titles, please. -_-

PS3WiiXbox360 said:
I defend myself when attacked. Your well on your way to 3000. You should be there by nightfall. I'm going to tally up all your posts on this thread when it starts to die.Its going to be interesting how many you have compared to everyone else

 you respond'd to leo-j?? yeah

nice job, i only have 600

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Hurray 2000 posts whoop-tee-doo.

It's all about People

what does ZOMG mean?

Let me get this straight? You created a thread to announce you had 2,000 posts? And you have bumped it no less than three times?

I don't think Soriku was ever this bad.

OriGin said:
what does ZOMG mean?


  1. (Internet, slang) An emphatic (intentional) misuse of the acronym OMG.


@ Super_Etecoon

Hey, I was so bored on friday, and this monumental achievement happened to happen on that day, so I decided to post it.