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Forums - Sales Discussion - David Reeves strongly contradicts vgchartz?

Well ,actually look at this . The PS3 has increased the most since January 5th.
It has according to vgchartz , been selling better than the wii. I'm not sure why , they say wii is selling better when you look at the history , the ps3 has increased more over the weeks. And since PS3 has increased .47 million and the 360 .31 million . The 360 gets most from America, and PS3 gets most from PAL so its possible it has sold 3:1

Week of January 5th :

Wii - 19.72 Million , 43.8 %

Xbox 360 - 16.33 Million , 36.33 %

PS3 - 8.96 Million , 19.9 %

Week of January 12th :

Wii - 19.94 Million , 43.7 %

Xbox 360 - 16.48 Million , 36.1%

PS3 - 9.22 Million , 20.2 %

Week of January 19th :

Wii - 20.05 Million , 43.5 %

Xbox 360 - 16.64 Million , 36.1 %

PS3 - 9.43 Million , 20.4 %


PSN NAME : CommonCriminal

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"I, Badonkadonkhr, risk 1 week ban by claiming KH3 will be Sony exclusive, if I am found wrong, I will also start a thread praising those who were right"


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I think your numbers may be a bit outdated Badonkadonkhr.  PS3 has gained market share while X360 has lost it, but not as pronounced as your numbers suggest, and Nintendo has actually gained market share as well.  The absolute difference in sales is far less drastic also.  Regardless of how stron Europe is for Sony, if PS3 alone outsold X360 3:1 then PS3 would've also outsold Wii, which is something they definetly would've raved about also.  That is unless X360 dipped into Japan-like numbers for a week, which is just unlikely.  Dips and peaks exist, but not on a 75% level without any reason.


Console              Wii           PS3           X360           Total            Wii%         PS3%       X360%
Jan 5th 19,590,339 9,130,895 16,370,843 45,092,077 43.45% 20.25% 36.31%
Jan 12th  19,806,809  9,288,814  16,515,912 45,611,535 43.42% 20.37% 36.21%
Jan 19th  20,054,835  9,430,866  16,644,811 46,130,512 43.47% 20.44% 36.08%
Change 464,496 299,971 273,968 1,038,435 0.03% 0.19% -0.22%

Why is it that every time Sony spins the same PR Bullshit, the same 2-3 people with backup from relatively nw accoutns no one has seen before always show up right on time to proclaim that VGC is part of an evil conspiracy to undertrack PS3 and overtrack 360? And there claimsjust become more ridiculous as Sony spins faster and faster.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

since when Sony EVER said the truth in terms of PR and information to se consumer.... Sony at that game is even more evil and bullshiting than MS is.... they always made their success that way... PS2 114 million are 100% due to that strategy and everybody knows that... Gamecube dream cast and XB where all better console.... and they took over just bullshiting on things like having graphics like toy story... throwing at you CG with the """"emotion"""" engine....

 Do you really think if that did happen we wouldn't see news popping out from everywhere.... gaming mags... economic and financial news papers etc... come on people a news like that would be blasting all over the web and the media.... 

I'm calling sneaky maneuver from the man on that one... it's a common strategy on the eltronic market and especially from sony the evil of that world like MS is with OSs and software.... they are about the same on their own turff when it comes to truthfulness....

Spin city... i feel dizzy. ;)

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.


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iclim4 said:
TWRoO said:
We shall see... considering we are in line with GFK for PAL then there are only two options which are like sqrl said.
either PS3 recieved a rather odd boost in sales for 1 week, or when reeves chose to say "we" instead of PS3 he meant PS family.

hes got to be pretty slow if he meant the ps family, since the question was

"And how do you feel PS3 is doing in terms of ‘catching up’ with your rivals who launched earlier?"

that wasn't what he said immediately after the question... it was basically a post script in which he didn't refer to anything specifically other than "we" versus Xbox 360. @Mars... I believe it was proved beyond doubt that it's the PS2 that sold 500k in India.... The PS3 has done no such thing.

agree with ioi

Rath said:
Hey since when did we take Sony PR seriously?

I'm thinking the same.

When did the SDF get accounts on VGChartz?

I call turd PR!

If it was truely Playstation 3 x3 > Xbox 360 on any given week in all PAL territories combined, we'd of seen some sort of formal announcement with hard numbers from Sony....Because that'd be quite the coup d'etat.

Unfortunately, Sony is playing the name game. They won't specifically give hard numbers. Remember when MS gave hard numbers out about the X360 vs. PS3 in France, since it still had a razor-thin lead?

If I was Sony, and did infact beat the X360 in PAL territories 3:1, I'd be shouting it from the rooftops, and not waiting to be asked by a website.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.