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since when Sony EVER said the truth in terms of PR and information to se consumer.... Sony at that game is even more evil and bullshiting than MS is.... they always made their success that way... PS2 114 million are 100% due to that strategy and everybody knows that... Gamecube dream cast and XB where all better console.... and they took over just bullshiting on things like having graphics like toy story... throwing at you CG with the """"emotion"""" engine....

 Do you really think if that did happen we wouldn't see news popping out from everywhere.... gaming mags... economic and financial news papers etc... come on people a news like that would be blasting all over the web and the media.... 

I'm calling sneaky maneuver from the man on that one... it's a common strategy on the eltronic market and especially from sony the evil of that world like MS is with OSs and software.... they are about the same on their own turff when it comes to truthfulness....