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I think your numbers may be a bit outdated Badonkadonkhr.  PS3 has gained market share while X360 has lost it, but not as pronounced as your numbers suggest, and Nintendo has actually gained market share as well.  The absolute difference in sales is far less drastic also.  Regardless of how stron Europe is for Sony, if PS3 alone outsold X360 3:1 then PS3 would've also outsold Wii, which is something they definetly would've raved about also.  That is unless X360 dipped into Japan-like numbers for a week, which is just unlikely.  Dips and peaks exist, but not on a 75% level without any reason.


Console              Wii           PS3           X360           Total            Wii%         PS3%       X360%
Jan 5th 19,590,339 9,130,895 16,370,843 45,092,077 43.45% 20.25% 36.31%
Jan 12th  19,806,809  9,288,814  16,515,912 45,611,535 43.42% 20.37% 36.21%
Jan 19th  20,054,835  9,430,866  16,644,811 46,130,512 43.47% 20.44% 36.08%
Change 464,496 299,971 273,968 1,038,435 0.03% 0.19% -0.22%