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Forums - Movies & TV - 3D Blu-Rays of 2013 Movies, share your thoughts "OFFICIAL 3D Movies in 2K13 THREAD" (List of 3D Movies of 2013 in OP)


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Kaizar said:


The 4th installment of Batman is set for 2016, but Christopher Nolan won't have anything to do with it, but David S. Goyer & Johnathon Nolan will be writers, and the director might have not been chosen yet.

Ellen Page will be Dr. Quinzel

Leonardo DiCaprio will be Roman Sionis

Pierce Gagnon will be Damian

Denzal Washington will be Commisioner Michael Akins

Joseph Gordon Levitt will be (Future) Batman

Also starring:

Adrien Brody

And less notable actors, LOL.


Anyways this movie is Batman Beyond (finally being made after more then 10 years of being held back by Batman Begins awesomeness and it's sequels)

Since this is the finally made "Batman Beyond" live action movie, well it's safe to say it will be in 3D since it takes place in a futuristic world in the future (LOL), plus Warner Bros. has always been pushing for 3D in all of their movies since the 1950's which is ironic since they use to do the opposite earlier like back in the 1930's. Plus even Christopher Nolan use to be against 3D filming because of the whole 16 lambarts thing, but I guess he found out about the movie being able to be 18 lambarts when doing the "inward" 3D effect which is how today's Hollywood movies are done, plus in the theaters they can have a 19 lambarts format because of the bigger screen, and he has made Man of Steel push back a year to be filmed in 3D when he is THE PRODUCER. Plus Christopher Nolan has nothing to do with this new batman movie. So it seems all signs point to being filmed in 3D, hell we already got movies like The Great Gatsby & G.I. Joe Retaliation filmed 3D and release during 2013.

Its set for release in 2K16


For more 411:

This is a rumor or wish list, not a fact as of right now.  It also sounds to be absurdly fake.  I mean Denzel Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Paige, and Joseph-Gordon Levitt.  Thos are some of the best actors in Hollywood and are all worth a lot.  They would have to pay a ton to get all 4 of those actors together in one movie.  Especially considering every movie DiCaprio touches turns into a hit.  

Now it is plausible that there will be another batman movie and Christopher Nolan won't be directing it because he has already said he is done.  However the information above is most likely fake.


Around the Network
JayWood2010 said:
Kaizar said:


The 4th installment of Batman is set for 2016, but Christopher Nolan won't have anything to do with it, but David S. Goyer & Johnathon Nolan will be writers, and the director might have not been chosen yet.

Ellen Page will be Dr. Quinzel

Leonardo DiCaprio will be Roman Sionis

Pierce Gagnon will be Damian

Denzal Washington will be Commisioner Michael Akins

Joseph Gordon Levitt will be (Future) Batman

Also starring:

Adrien Brody

And less notable actors, LOL.


Anyways this movie is Batman Beyond (finally being made after more then 10 years of being held back by Batman Begins awesomeness and it's sequels)

Since this is the finally made "Batman Beyond" live action movie, well it's safe to say it will be in 3D since it takes place in a futuristic world in the future (LOL), plus Warner Bros. has always been pushing for 3D in all of their movies since the 1950's which is ironic since they use to do the opposite earlier like back in the 1930's. Plus even Christopher Nolan use to be against 3D filming because of the whole 16 lambarts thing, but I guess he found out about the movie being able to be 18 lambarts when doing the "inward" 3D effect which is how today's Hollywood movies are done, plus in the theaters they can have a 19 lambarts format because of the bigger screen, and he has made Man of Steel push back a year to be filmed in 3D when he is THE PRODUCER. Plus Christopher Nolan has nothing to do with this new batman movie. So it seems all signs point to being filmed in 3D, hell we already got movies like The Great Gatsby & G.I. Joe Retaliation filmed 3D and release during 2013.

Its set for release in 2K16


For more 411:

This is a rumor or wish list, not a fact as of right now.  It also sounds to be absurdly fake.  I mean Denzel Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Paige, and Joseph-Gordon Levitt.  Thos are some of the best actors in Hollywood and are all worth a lot.  They would have to pay a ton to get all 4 of those actors together in one movie.  Especially considering every movie DiCaprio touches turns into a hit.  

Now it is plausible that there will be another batman movie and Christopher Nolan won't be directing it because he has already said he is done.  However the information above is most likely fake.


Well that kinda sucks.

I guess the real question is will the next Batman movie be a Batman movie, or will they move on to Batman Beyond. I hoping for more Batman before we move on to Batman Beyond.

And I look forward to Spider-Man Unlimited after these next 2 3D Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Kaizar said:
JayWood2010 said:
Kaizar said:


The 4th installment of Batman is set for 2016, but Christopher Nolan won't have anything to do with it, but David S. Goyer & Johnathon Nolan will be writers, and the director might have not been chosen yet.

Ellen Page will be Dr. Quinzel

Leonardo DiCaprio will be Roman Sionis

Pierce Gagnon will be Damian

Denzal Washington will be Commisioner Michael Akins

Joseph Gordon Levitt will be (Future) Batman

Also starring:

Adrien Brody

And less notable actors, LOL.


Anyways this movie is Batman Beyond (finally being made after more then 10 years of being held back by Batman Begins awesomeness and it's sequels)

Since this is the finally made "Batman Beyond" live action movie, well it's safe to say it will be in 3D since it takes place in a futuristic world in the future (LOL), plus Warner Bros. has always been pushing for 3D in all of their movies since the 1950's which is ironic since they use to do the opposite earlier like back in the 1930's. Plus even Christopher Nolan use to be against 3D filming because of the whole 16 lambarts thing, but I guess he found out about the movie being able to be 18 lambarts when doing the "inward" 3D effect which is how today's Hollywood movies are done, plus in the theaters they can have a 19 lambarts format because of the bigger screen, and he has made Man of Steel push back a year to be filmed in 3D when he is THE PRODUCER. Plus Christopher Nolan has nothing to do with this new batman movie. So it seems all signs point to being filmed in 3D, hell we already got movies like The Great Gatsby & G.I. Joe Retaliation filmed 3D and release during 2013.

Its set for release in 2K16


For more 411:

This is a rumor or wish list, not a fact as of right now.  It also sounds to be absurdly fake.  I mean Denzel Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Paige, and Joseph-Gordon Levitt.  Thos are some of the best actors in Hollywood and are all worth a lot.  They would have to pay a ton to get all 4 of those actors together in one movie.  Especially considering every movie DiCaprio touches turns into a hit.  

Now it is plausible that there will be another batman movie and Christopher Nolan won't be directing it because he has already said he is done.  However the information above is most likely fake.


Well that kinda sucks.

I guess the real question is will the next Batman movie be a Batman movie, or will they move on to Batman Beyond. I hoping for more Batman before we move on to Batman Beyond.

And I look forward to Spider-Man Unlimited after these next 2 3D Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Well Christopher Nolan is don with it.  I do know that, unless he changes his mind.  There is rumoprs that he was setting up Gordo-Joseph Levitt for the Justice League movie because they need a batman.   There is also rumors about a new batman movie coming in 2015, but not Christoper Nolan's Batman. They could use Gordon-Joseph though.  I wouldn't rule it out.


So am I the only person who didn't like Star Trek 1 but is looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness not to suck?

Same goes for Dragonball Evolution 1 & possible 2 since 3D has become real popular.


The funny thing about Star Trek 1 & Dragonball Evolution 1 is because they both seem to be purely setting up the basis for real scripts for future installments. So even though I didn't like Star Trek 1 & Dragonball Evolution 1, well I was still looking forward to the sequels to this movies for actual good movies.

Appearately the first Dragonball movie was well receive outside of America, especially in Japan & China, and it made a profit before any DVDs & streaming contracts. And also appearately the script for Dragonball Evolution 2 was already pinned before release of the first movie, but I suspected that before I saw any source saying such a thing since the first Dragonball movie like the first Star Trek movie seem to only truly be about setting up the setting for all the sequels planned for both movies, and it sounds like it was a really good script made for the second one, unlike the first one:

Of course it seems like the sequel was canned, but I'm hoping with the popularity of 3D that they will do it, for a finally good Dragonball Movie. And I hope I will like Star Trek 2 this May 17th.

The same things goes for the Avengers, where I don't like the first one, but I actually didn't have any hopes for any sequels. But now that I have read that the possible main antagonist are the best that tpcould have been chosen for a good scripted Avengers Movie franchise despite how much the first one was just mostly action scenes.

JayWood2010 said:
Kaizar said:
JayWood2010 said:

This is a rumor or wish list, not a fact as of right now.  It also sounds to be absurdly fake.  I mean Denzel Washington, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Paige, and Joseph-Gordon Levitt.  Thos are some of the best actors in Hollywood and are all worth a lot.  They would have to pay a ton to get all 4 of those actors together in one movie.  Especially considering every movie DiCaprio touches turns into a hit.  

Now it is plausible that there will be another batman movie and Christopher Nolan won't be directing it because he has already said he is done.  However the information above is most likely fake.


Well that kinda sucks.

I guess the real question is will the next Batman movie be a Batman movie, or will they move on to Batman Beyond. I hoping for more Batman before we move on to Batman Beyond.

And I look forward to Spider-Man Unlimited after these next 2 3D Amazing Spider-Man movies.

Well Christopher Nolan is don with it.  I do know that, unless he changes his mind.  There is rumoprs that he was setting up Gordo-Joseph Levitt for the Justice League movie because they need a batman.   There is also rumors about a new batman movie coming in 2015, but not Christoper Nolan's Batman. They could use Gordon-Joseph though.  I wouldn't rule it out.

Yeah, Christopher Nolan did say he had no plans for anymore batman movies, but he also said that he might come up with a script for a sequel but if so then it would most likely be no time soon, and he said that chances are that someone by Warner Bros. studio would come up with a script for a sequel before him and that he would be just as happy to have nothing to do with a sequel.

So it sounded like chances are he wasn't going to make a script but he said he might if he happens to come up with something. So it was basically him saying that he most likely won't be doing anymore batman ever again.

Plus other times he had talk about a sequel and he said that he had ended the movie franchise just like he wanted it, and that he would not be making anymore Batman movies.

I personally would want to see the true sequel to the Dark Knight Rises with anyone working on the movie, but to actually start moving into some Sci-Fi elements since they have clearly milked the physical-human element as much as possible.


(what I would like the sequel to the dark knight rises to be like):

I would like to see the made in the 1980's AI Villian who is responsible for Ras Al Ghul wanting to destroy Gotham City, because the AI machine calculated that the whole world will have the darkest future if the source of the grim future isn't stop which can only be done by destroying all of Gotham City. And for other Villians I would want Riddler and the Judge dude who turns out to be Two-Face 3rd personality, but in this movie he will be a vigilante that secretly also wants to out batman away after hes done using batman to help clean Gotham up....they can reveal that when Harvey Dent was put in e ambulance to send his bodie to the morgue he awakens and tells the people to keep his being alive a secret because hes doing some undercover work and needs people to think he's dead (tells a lie to get revenge), and now that Gotham found out the truth about what Harvey did, well now those few people who kept his being alive a secret immediate tells Commissioner Gordan (show this scene in the Beggining of the movie, but doesn't reveal the identity of what seems like a seperate charecter which is that Judge dude until much later in the movie after its revealed to batman that he wants to put him away by the actions of the judge dude trying to do just that as not seeing anymore use to use Batman to help clean up Gotham's criminals & 1 or so Villians) and I would like to see man bat who doesn't get reveal as the blood sucking vampire thats been feeding off of Zoo Animals & humans. And also the robot Batman who thinks he's batman/Bruce Wayne who was made by the AI Villian to use the batcave to destroy Gotham City. I would also like to see Harlen-Quinn break the joker out of prison out of her scientific curiosity of a gene-altering thing, which turns out to make Joker a King Zombie, and he turns people into his loyal laughing goons who can infect other people the same way for the Joker, and how the Zombies can thrive as long as they got a heart & brain but the Joker can survive with out anything certain parts of his bodies needed and also be able to regenerate which the others can't. And Harley Quinn modifying the gene-altering formula to make her a queen mother zombie that can transform into her new true form, but can't gain control of other zombies unless Joker is killed but she did her best trying to make a better version of it for herself.

And I would want Robin to fake his own death by his own hands making the audience think that the charecter from the last movie has been killed off. And Robin would have minions who are secretly promoted police officers helping Robin pretend to be Gotham's biggest baddest Villian until some of the new & returning ones show off just how great they are for real. With Robin also kicking Batman's ass because of youth and training (from batman leaving behind videos to trained in the way of the league of shadows) and how Robin has been going after Man-Bat and got a sample of his DNA to know what he was getting himself into and decided to use an altered version he has someone make of it to have great strength and speed himself as well as ending up with vampire bat teeth when he uses a formula but he also has a antidote for his version to not require needing to drink blood as the great capabilities will lead him to having a great appetite for whatever state he is in. And Robin comes to Batman as a main Villian to really push Batman to get back into being use to the vigilante life again. But later they eventually team up as Robin eventually reveals the truth about himself to Batman.

And Catwoman seems like she was only getting a fresh start to be under the radar to get a device to activate the deactivated AI machine for her own selfishness but it later turns out it was to ensure a good safe future with the fellow hidden one from society, Bruce Wayne, but instead ends up waking up the AI machine just to finish off what he had started with Ras Al Ghul (but Ras Al Ghul failed in Batman Begins of course).

(that's the basic idea of what I would want)



Well, that's my crazy fan script for first new Batman movie LOL. How about yours?

Around the Network
Kaizar said:

So am I the only person who didn't like Star Trek 1 but is looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness not to suck?


I didn't like Star Trek (2009) very much. As a movie, it was passable. Stylish, sleek, nice special effects, but full of plot holes and contrivances. As a Star Trek movie, it was a disaster. In 120 minutes, J.J. Abrams managed to erase 40 years of Star Trek history. He transformed Star Trek from a thoughful and symbolic discussion of mankind's place in the universe into a special effects spectacular.

I don't have much hope for the sequel, especially after seeing the trailer, which was just action set-piece after action set-piece. But who knows? Maybe Cumberbatch will come to the rescue.

Kaizar said:

So the Fantastic Four has been confirmed for a reboot. I just hope it isn't weak like the 2 they had the past 8 years.

The reboot might have something to with 3D but I hope it's also because of a much better script.

So what Comic Book movies do want to have a reboot?

I hope we get DareDevil reboot, because they never finish the trilogy for some reason. The 3D will just be an added bonus, but well appreciated.

You know... even though it had Ben affleck, i thought Daredevil was actually good. It seems to have failed at the box office though, and thats why it didnt get anymore sequals.

I guess the actress for Elektra could be recast but i felt Affleck nailed the role.

As for Fantastic Four, i think the premise has always been weak. I dont know how they can make it much better than what they did.

Nem said:
Kaizar said:

So the Fantastic Four has been confirmed for a reboot. I just hope it isn't weak like the 2 they had the past 8 years.

The reboot might have something to with 3D but I hope it's also because of a much better script.

So what Comic Book movies do want to have a reboot?

I hope we get DareDevil reboot, because they never finish the trilogy for some reason. The 3D will just be an added bonus, but well appreciated.

You know... even though it had Ben affleck, i thought Daredevil was actually good. It seems to have failed at the box office though, and thats why it didnt get anymore sequals.

I guess the actress for Elektra could be recast but i felt Affleck nailed the role.

As for Fantastic Four, i think the premise has always been weak. I dont know how they can make it much better than what they did.

Yeah, I thought Daredevil was real good and that Ben Afflick nail the role, just like he did in that other movie The Phanthom.

I also see the Fantastic Four as being a really weak premise. But they are rebooting the movie, so hopefully there is something that can be done to make it at least noticibly better, as doubtful as it seems because I can't think of how they can make a good Fantastic Four movie, but I would be happy if they can do it somehow. Well at least I will get the 3D visuals out of it.

So has anyone seen Iron Man 3 in 3D!, yet?

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Kaizar said:

So am I the only person who didn't like Star Trek 1 but is looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness not to suck?


I didn't like Star Trek (2009) very much. As a movie, it was passable. Stylish, sleek, nice special effects, but full of plot holes and contrivances. As a Star Trek movie, it was a disaster. In 120 minutes, J.J. Abrams managed to erase 40 years of Star Trek history. He transformed Star Trek from a thoughful and symbolic discussion of mankind's place in the universe into a special effects spectacular.

I don't have much hope for the sequel, especially after seeing the trailer, which was just action set-piece after action set-piece. But who knows? Maybe Cumberbatch will come to the rescue.

I have to agree on that. First time watching was a disappointment. I watched it again this year for the sound and special effects, stylish is indeed the best compliment I can give it.
My favorite trek movie is VI: The undiscovered country. That movie had it all. (unfortunately including some embarassing Kirk moments)

I wonder if we'll ever get a movie about exploring strange new worlds without blowing them up.