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So am I the only person who didn't like Star Trek 1 but is looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness not to suck?

Same goes for Dragonball Evolution 1 & possible 2 since 3D has become real popular.


The funny thing about Star Trek 1 & Dragonball Evolution 1 is because they both seem to be purely setting up the basis for real scripts for future installments. So even though I didn't like Star Trek 1 & Dragonball Evolution 1, well I was still looking forward to the sequels to this movies for actual good movies.

Appearately the first Dragonball movie was well receive outside of America, especially in Japan & China, and it made a profit before any DVDs & streaming contracts. And also appearately the script for Dragonball Evolution 2 was already pinned before release of the first movie, but I suspected that before I saw any source saying such a thing since the first Dragonball movie like the first Star Trek movie seem to only truly be about setting up the setting for all the sequels planned for both movies, and it sounds like it was a really good script made for the second one, unlike the first one:

Of course it seems like the sequel was canned, but I'm hoping with the popularity of 3D that they will do it, for a finally good Dragonball Movie. And I hope I will like Star Trek 2 this May 17th.

The same things goes for the Avengers, where I don't like the first one, but I actually didn't have any hopes for any sequels. But now that I have read that the possible main antagonist are the best that tpcould have been chosen for a good scripted Avengers Movie franchise despite how much the first one was just mostly action scenes.