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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Sony mislead devs

ethomaz said:
So PS4 is now using Kaio-ken in DBZ terms.

They were acting like normal frieza then they transformed to final form to reveal their true power!

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M.U.G.E.N said:
lol come really believe that? It's from a guy named xbox infinity and he says it's unfair or some other nonsense >_>

The more popular rumor and one that actually has been backed by some trusted sources would be Sony increasing the ram from 2GB to 4GB GDDR5. But that's it.

i'm pretty sure as soon as there is a rumor that 720 is 2x more powerful than ps4 mr. xbox infinity will write:

"Amazing microsoft added free extra power to 720 to help developers make better looking games in the future"(sounds a lot better than

"evil ms misslead developers")

If this is true then I'd be tempted to buy a PS4 just because of how much win Sony achieved here xD

M.U.G.E.N said:
lol come really believe that? It's from a guy named xbox infinity and he says it's unfair or some other nonsense >_>

The more popular rumor and one that actually has been backed by some trusted sources would be Sony increasing the ram from 2GB to 4GB GDDR5. But that's it.

who knows,it all rumor,until sony announces the pS4.

thismeintiel said:
If true, this is a great troll move. If memory serves me, MS was getting leaked info about the Cell's development, as well, and eventually went with a CPU design Sony turned down. At least, that's what I remember from reading about it.

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development is a process of creating, improve and refine a product before launch... its not the first idea that comes to mind and do it... dev teams help with input, hw partners show various options that change in price over time that leads to a later change... so its very possible, a fact if you want, that first dev kits where underpowered compared to final specs. if that was made on purpose or not, we will never know for sure. if that happened and its true and the publishers and dev teams find out, only sony will have prejudice in the relations with those devs and publishers. like politics, sports and other things, lots happen behind the curtain and we can't be just up front and trustful with partners... i think everyone does this... no one will ever admit.

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Sony also financed the Algerian AL-quaida attack, so the can launch the PS4 in Africa before MS even launches their nextbox

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Stupid rumor.

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Since the PS4 hasn't been announced yet, we don't know if there is any truth to this, I'm just going to consider it a rumour to be honest.

it's still my expectation that the a10 is the real console, not the new specs. The new specs i believe are too powerful and i think they're goading ms into making a very powerful system.

at least that is what i hope.