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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U GPU Die Image! Chipworks is AWESOME!

Effectively Chipworks Jim is saying that people calculating the juice in the WiiU chip by comparing it to other chips don't know what they're talking about, which should be obvious by all the conflicting expert breakdowns we have seen at this point. No one even knows what part of the pasty brown map is what component of the chip, despite all the nice colored boxes drawn on it. Jimmy chip seems to think it's a pretty nice GPU.

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TheLastStarFighter said:
Effectively Chipworks Jim is saying that people calculating the juice in the WiiU chip by comparing it to other chips don't know what they're talking about, which should be obvious by all the conflicting expert breakdowns we have seen at this point. No one even knows what part of the pasty brown map is what component of the chip, despite all the nice colored boxes drawn on it. Jimmy chip seems to think it's a pretty nice GPU.

Chipworks didn't say that lol.

2. If it was based on ATI/AMD or a Radeon-like design, the chip would carry die marks to reflect that. Everybody has to recognize the licensing. It has none. Only Renesas name which is a former unit of NEC.


yup what jim meant was nintendo made a impressive piece of technology to get so much power from such a small chip.

JWeinCom said:
Light said:
Can someone please summarise this thread for me, im so confused lool :|

The Wii U has a lower clock count than the PS3 and X-Box 360, which means that it is worse at telling time.  This will be very detrimental for games like Animal Crossing.  Developers are having a hard time getting the timing of events in their game right because the Wii U's clocks are horribly slow.  Other developers say that these developers are just having a hard time reading clocks, and perhaps should reeducated themselelves on clock reading.  It's unclear whether the Wii U's clocks are digital or analog.

However, the Wii U has 2 Giga bites of rams.  That means the Wii U could produce up to 2 gillion rams at any given moment.  Now, you don't have to be a genius to know that THAT'S A LOT OF FREAKING RAMS.  It's unclear how many other animals the Wii U will support, but I've done some research.  While Rams vary in size and weight, the average ram is about 150 lbs.  A draft horse weighs about 1500 lbs.  So, the Wii U would only be able to display about 1/10 the amount of horses as rams.  So, that should be onliy about 200 billion horses.  Still a respectable amount of horses if you ask me.  By comparison, the X-Box 720 is expected to be able to display about 7.2 gillion lions. 

The Wii U has 480 pairs of shades.  This means that the Wii U will perform well, even in an incredibly well lit room.  In contrast, the X-Box 360 only has 48 shades, so you should probably only use your X-Box 360 in a dimly lit room.  Otherwise, the bright light could irritate your X-Box 360 and it could get the red eye of death.  And that's no good.

so much gold in this post lol

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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TheLastStarFighter said:
2. If it was based on ATI/AMD or a Radeon-like design, the chip would carry die marks to reflect that. Everybody has to recognize the licensing. It has none. Only Renesas name which is a former unit of NEC.


Like I said that not the same you said in your previous comment... you can look for similar units in the GPU... and there is a lot... just the different part is unknown.

Jim just said this AMD chips not used the stardard Radeon layout... that's what eveybody known in the first place when the picture was released... the only intersting part in the Jim comment is the cost of the chip... everything else was alreasy knewn.

Anyway you have to understand bette what Jim said:

ethomaz said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
2. If it was based on ATI/AMD or a Radeon-like design, the chip would carry die marks to reflect that. Everybody has to recognize the licensing. It has none. Only Renesas name which is a former unit of NEC.


Like I said that not the same you said in your previous comment... you can look for similar units in the GPU... and there is a lot... just the different part is unknown.

Jim just said this AMD chips not used the stardard Radeon layout... that's what eveybody known in the first place when the picture was released... the only intersting part in the Jim comment is the cost of the chip... everything else was alreasy knewn.

Anyway you have to understand bette what Jim said:

 your one of the few people here that know's what there talking about when it comes to specs, your going to best place for info.

Etho, the point is that most of the analysis of the chip are based on comparing it to an AMD series of the chip. In any of the threads I've scene talking about it, I've seen conflicing breakdowns of what the various parts of the diagram are. Most of them are saying "This part is this in an AMD xxxx..", and then people try to say it's XXX% more powerful than a PS360 and will be XXX% less powerful than a PS720. It's all silly, uneducated conjecture. Or at least insufficiently educated conjecture. Sometimes a little knowledge is worse than none at all. What we know is the chip is better than PS360 and will almost assuredly be worse than PS720. Beyond that, we do not know specifics.

ninjablade said:
ethomaz said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
2. If it was based on ATI/AMD or a Radeon-like design, the chip would carry die marks to reflect that. Everybody has to recognize the licensing. It has none. Only Renesas name which is a former unit of NEC.


Like I said that not the same you said in your previous comment... you can look for similar units in the GPU... and there is a lot... just the different part is unknown.

Jim just said this AMD chips not used the stardard Radeon layout... that's what eveybody known in the first place when the picture was released... the only intersting part in the Jim comment is the cost of the chip... everything else was alreasy knewn.

Anyway you have to understand bette what Jim said:

 your one of the few people here that know's what there talking about when it comes to specs, your going to best place for info.

Your sig contains inaccurate information mate.

snowdog said:
ninjablade said:
ethomaz said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
2. If it was based on ATI/AMD or a Radeon-like design, the chip would carry die marks to reflect that. Everybody has to recognize the licensing. It has none. Only Renesas name which is a former unit of NEC.


Like I said that not the same you said in your previous comment... you can look for similar units in the GPU... and there is a lot... just the different part is unknown.

Jim just said this AMD chips not used the stardard Radeon layout... that's what eveybody known in the first place when the picture was released... the only intersting part in the Jim comment is the cost of the chip... everything else was alreasy knewn.

Anyway you have to understand bette what Jim said:

 your one of the few people here that know's what there talking about when it comes to specs, your going to best place for info.

Your sig contains inaccurate information mate.

like what?