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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will you still buy Haze?

Will I buy Haze? Only after I can answer a better question: Will it be any good?

The game has some interesting ideas and the 4-player co-op is cool. I've also seen some things that worry me, so it's probably good that the game has been delayed so they can make it better.

If it's a good game, I'll be all over it.

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If it has a JUMP button.

I don't see a reason why I should not buy it because it is delayed or other games will release then...

Free redical can deliver a extreme good game (like they did before).

I don't kow much about the game yet so wait and see =p.

Yeah, first day.

I may consider it, but I'd buy RFOM2 and KZ2 first.

Around the Network

I might pick it up... depends on the reviews, or if a demo comes out...

If its just a Halo spinoff i am not interested.

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isn't it dated for april?

if it's finally a good game i'll buy it for sure

Depends on reviews and word of mouth. If those were good to great then probably I would.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Doktor85 said:
If it has a JUMP button.

 Yes, there really is nothing as aggravating as being completely blocked from an area by a 2' concrete wall or a stack of firewood... 

I wasn't looking forward to it because previews were questioning the gameplay and concepts. Now, that has been delayed for about six months I am more interested but I am still going to be wiery and wait for internet forum feedback before I buy.