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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Anyone who thinks the 64/cube failed due to 1st party software is...

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I don't know how anyone could say that when the GameCube had this:

That could've been one of the only First Party titles released on GameCube and I would still love it.

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Anyone said that? The 1st party's were the thing that saved those platforms!

I think the 1st party games for both the Nintendo 64 and Gamecube was what kept them going all those years, the lack of 3rd party games for both, failed them. It's partly why Playstation sold so much, it had cheaper CD's and plenty of 3rd party support and was cheap itself. Who knows, the 64 could've of been a massive success, if it used CD's instead of the old and expensive cartridges. The games, both Nintendo consoles got were great though, but at least they didn't share the same fate as the Sega Dreamcast though.

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NintendoPie said:
I don't know how anyone could say that when the GameCube had this:

That could've been one of the only First Party titles released on GameCube and I would still love it.

I always hated this game. Damn did I suck in it. The Mario game of choice was this for me:

Included in the best bundle ever:


Speaking of the GCN..what the hell were they thinking when they designed that console?...looks like a Fisher Price toy, plus that purple color...terrible.

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amp316 said:
CGI-Quality said:
amp316 said:
I agree with pretty much everything that you say but wonder if you kiss your mother with that mouth?

Was thinking the same thing - leave out the "idiot" bit and I totally agree (though the drought between N64 1st party releases grew tiresome, which lead many of us to the PlayStation).

Yeah, the only thing that I didn't agree with was that the Wii wasn't a success due to casual games, because Wii Sports is a casual game.  I love it, but it is what it is.

What is your definition of casual game?  I mean I can find a person that is way better than me  and he will always kick my ass in Wii sports. (so competetive multiplayer is def  not what makes a game casual or hardcore and remember games in the arcade had NO ONLINE so the only way to find competitive players was by playing on the same system  as with Wii Sports)

And since  COD games are way to easy and even mario games are harder or for that matter angry birds  (you fail more in mario and angry birds than you do in COD) what exactly is a casual game then?  

So how is Wii sports a casual game again? 

What is tetris?  Casual today  hardcore 20 years ago? Makes no sense.

Wii Sports is easily accessible and COD is not  thats the only difference I SEE.

NintendoPie said:
I don't know how anyone could say that when the GameCube had this:

That could've been one of the only First Party titles released on GameCube and I would still love it.

Having played the original Mario Kart for the SNES, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii, Double Dash is, in my opinion, the worst MK game by far.

KHlover said:

I always hated this game. Damn did I suck in it. The Mario game of choice was this for me:


Included in the best bundle ever:


Only demons hated MK:DD!! That must mean...

I don't agree with the premise of your topic. N64 and GameCube didn't fail at all. They both had five or six year lifespans and turned large profits for Nintendo through software, hardware, and accessory sales. If anyone says N64 or GameCube were "failures" they do not understand the definition of the word "failure".

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JGarret said:
NintendoPie said:
I don't know how anyone could say that when the GameCube had this:

That could've been one of the only First Party titles released on GameCube and I would still love it.

Having played the original Mario Kart for the SNES, Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii, Double Dash is, in my opinion, the worst MK game by far.

Yeah I agree with that I never liked double dash. Mario Kart 64 brings back so many memories...

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