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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Big 3's owned Ip's Sony 221, MSFT 90, Nintendo, 96

Conegamer said:

I love all the repeating Sony and MS ones yet all the Nintendo ones are bundled together. Also a lot missing.

For example, note how Crash and Kinect receive 4 IP's each, yet Mario and Wii gets 1. So the first two should be one, and Mario should be extended to at least 7 (2D Mario, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Mario Sports (number of these), probably more), with Wii getting 5 (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Wii Music). The same extends to other things as well; if Playstation Home is present, then why not Mii-related stuff? And where's NintendoLand?

There's work to be done here, but it's a good comparison to begin with.

I am currently working on all of the lists.  I did not make these lists myself.  notice the different formats.  Nintendo has drop down boxes instead of going indidually.  im  currently working on this


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JayWood2010 said:
Conegamer said:

I love all the repeating Sony and MS ones yet all the Nintendo ones are bundled together. Also a lot missing.

For example, note how Crash and Kinect receive 4 IP's each, yet Mario and Wii gets 1. So the first two should be one, and Mario should be extended to at least 7 (2D Mario, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Mario Sports (number of these), probably more), with Wii getting 5 (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Wii Music). The same extends to other things as well; if Playstation Home is present, then why not Mii-related stuff? And where's NintendoLand?

There's work to be done here, but it's a good comparison to begin with.

I am currently working on all of the lists.  I did not make these lists myself.  notice the different formats.  Nintendo has drop down boxes instead of going indidually.  im  currently working on this

Nah I'm aware of this fact. Just trying to help by pointing out the errors to make your life easier


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Note that I'm not listing games that aren't actually owned by the company, although if such a game is on the list anyway, I may note it.

Microsoft repeats:
Mech series
Microsoft Simulator series
racer Madness series (equivalent to Excite)
Crimson series
Kinect series
Age Of series
possibly Fusion/Fuzion series, Battle series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)
debatably Conker/Banjo-Kazooie

Sony repeats:
Crash Bandicoot series (although these should be removed entirely - owned by Activision) - includes Crash Bash, not Crash Commando
Eye series
Go! series
Spyro series (again, owned by Activision, should be removed)
possibly Beyond series, Rapid series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)

Those are the ones I spotted. I can't be bothered looking for more Nintendo IPs missing, or working out which IPs on each are incorrectly listed (as in, not actually owned by respective company). I will point out Fatal Frame, which I believe is majority owned by Tecmo, with Nintendo merely being a part-owner. It's debatable, though.

EDIT: Also, it lists X separately from Xenoblade (which may or may not be reasonable - it's not 100% clear whether it's part of the Xenoblade IP or a new IP), and it's missing Baten Kaitos (Nintendo published the sequel, so it's not owned by Namco Bandai).

Aielyn said:
Note that I'm not listing games that aren't actually owned by the company, although if such a game is on the list anyway, I may note it.

Microsoft repeats:
Mech series
Microsoft Simulator series
racer Madness series (equivalent to Excite)
Crimson series
Kinect series
Age Of series
possibly Fusion/Fuzion series, Battle series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)
debatably Conker/Banjo-Kazooie

Sony repeats:
Crash Bandicoot series (although these should be removed entirely - owned by Activision) - includes Crash Bash, not Crash Commando
Eye series
Go! series
Spyro series (again, owned by Activision, should be removed)
possibly Beyond series, Rapid series (I can't be certain, these may be unrelated games with similar names)

Those are the ones I spotted. I can't be bothered looking for more Nintendo IPs missing, or working out which IPs on each are incorrectly listed (as in, not actually owned by respective company). I will point out Fatal Frame, which I believe is majority owned by Tecmo, with Nintendo merely being a part-owner. It's debatable, though.

Fixed i believe.  Eye series, kinect series, and Wii series are all seperate Ips.  ui just had to add wii stuff.

Crash 1-3 is owned by sony.  nobody else is allowed to publish those games, same goes with spyro.  Everything else is fixed


Conegamer said:
JayWood2010 said:
Conegamer said:

I love all the repeating Sony and MS ones yet all the Nintendo ones are bundled together. Also a lot missing.

For example, note how Crash and Kinect receive 4 IP's each, yet Mario and Wii gets 1. So the first two should be one, and Mario should be extended to at least 7 (2D Mario, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Mario Sports (number of these), probably more), with Wii getting 5 (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party, Wii Fit, Wii Music). The same extends to other things as well; if Playstation Home is present, then why not Mii-related stuff? And where's NintendoLand?

There's work to be done here, but it's a good comparison to begin with.

I am currently working on all of the lists.  I did not make these lists myself.  notice the different formats.  Nintendo has drop down boxes instead of going indidually.  im  currently working on this

Nah I'm aware of this fact. Just trying to help by pointing out the errors to make your life easier

Thanks i appreciate it XD


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NobleTeam360 said:
And Nintendo is still last in this regard as well.

lower numbers is not always last :P Mario alone prolly destroys any other IP by a huge margin when talking revenue and profits. Do I want to see more from Nintendo? Sure I do, but there are so many forgettable IPs on the list overall that I'm not sure it even matters.

JayWood2010 said:
Crash 1-3 is owned by sony.  nobody else is allowed to publish those games, same goes with spyro.  Everything else is fixed

They own the games, not the IPs. Kind of like how Rare owns Diddy Kong Racing despite the fact that Nintendo owns Diddy Kong.

Still missing Nintendo IP's: Steel Diver, Mole Mania, Speedthru: Potzol's Puzzle (Speedthru IP?). Is Picross a Nintendo IP?


Edit: Adding Nazo no Murasame-jo. Takamaru's Ninja Castle (Nintendo Land) is based on this famicom game.

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

Just to help out. Mole Mania is missing and was made by Nintendo.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

and this is why i like Sony.